Chapter 8

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Blue's pov

"I think you're right Michael," I blurt out, setting my water bottle down on the counter.

"I usually am. What am I right about this time though?" Mikey questions, looking up at me. Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Brielle had turned their attention to us.

"When you said that Officer Marcus doesn't do anything to help. He doesn't. I mean, he came for Violet's case and I haven't heard him mention one thing about that ever since the other five kids ran away," I point out.

"That's true. It's almost like he just wants to catch them to catch them, not to help. He was pretty pissed of after Canada," Calum agrees.

"As much as I really hate to say it, I hope that they don't get caught. Violet's only chance might be if they stay out of custody," Luke mumbles, clearly torn about wanting his kids back or wanting them to find my daughter.

"What do we do about the cops then? Tell them to back off and leave Barry, Jasper, Cassidy, Carter, and Piper alone?" Brielle asks. I was most surprised that Brielle was agreeing with us. She was extremely overprotective of Carter and Piper. Even more so than Luke, which is saying a lot.

"They won't listen if we tell them to back off. They're cops and they want to just bring the kids home safely. We just need to keep them distracted and off task as much as we can. Maybe we can buy Piper all the time she needs to solve this thing and find Violet," Michael suggests. None of us argue with his plan. We would try to help as much as we can, but eventually, it comes down to Barry, Piper, Carter, Jasper, and Cassidy to save Violet.


Barry's pov

"This place looks a lot different than it did when my dad brought me here," Cassidy says, staring at the building in front of us. The sign on the front flickers. She scoots closer to me. What? It's really creepy, especially if you saw the dimly lit inside as well.

"Do we really have to go in there?" Jasper asks, gazing at the shop nervously.

"Yeah. It's for Violet. Now let's go," Piper says, putting on a brave face. She starts walking inside. I exchange a look with the others, then follow her.

"I'll go ask the questions with Carter. You guys can just look around. That way, we still aren't a group of five," Pipes tells us.

"Be careful guys," Cassidy warns. Carter and Piper nod, then walk up to the front of the store. Jasp, Cass, and I move down a random aisle.

"What happens if this is a dead end guys?" I ask suddenly, a bad feeling appearing in my gut. If we didn't get any information here, then we went across the country for nothing and would be stuck in a major city with hardly any money while my little sister is still missing.

"Bear, calm down. We'll find her. Even if this is a dead end, we'll keep looking," Cassidy says, gently placing a hand on my arm. She stares up into my eyes, trying to calm me down. I take a deep breath and nod.

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