Chapter 18

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Blue's pov

"I had her, Blue," Michael says softly, not turning to face me, "And I let her get away. Now who knows when I'll see her again?"

"We'll find her, Mikey," I assure him, unsure of what to say. I can't imagine losing your child, then getting them back only to lose them again.

"You don't know that Blue. I wish I never let her go back to Marcus," he continues. I ignore his comment, knowing that he was just hurting.

"They're all together again. As much as we don't want to admit it, the six of them are more than capable of taking care of themselves. They'll find their way back home because they're just that amazing," I promise him. Michael shakes his head no, but doesn't continue to argue with me.

"Hey guys," Calum says, walking over to me and Mikey. Michael nods in his direction, then walks away. I sigh.

"How are you holding up baby?" Calum asks, wrapping his arms around my body. He had been strangely quiet since we got off of the plane in New York.

"Alright. What about you?" I question, leaning against his chest.

"Not good. Did you hear what Cassidy said about Barry while we were on the plane?" He inquires.

I shake my head no, "I fell asleep after about an hour."

"She told me that Barry is convinced that we don't love him," Calum informs me.

I frown, "Why does he think that?"

"She didn't say. I don't think she even meant to tell me that. It just kind of popped out of her mouth. She closed up right after," he tells me. I close my eyes, my heart breaking even more. My poor Barry.


Barry's pov

"When we get back home, remind me to never go back outside again. I hate the outdoors," Violet complains, tripping over a rock for about the millionth time. Carter snickers. Violet punches him in the arm.

"Are you sure that your name isn't Violent? Because I think that fits your personality better," Carter snaps.

"Enough you two! Carter, stop laughing when Violet trips. Violet, stop hitting people," Piper commands, clearly the most fed up with all of the arguing.

"Apologize. Now," Cassidy instructs. Both Violet and Carter grumble out apologizes.

"Look, we're all tired. Maybe we should just stop for the night and get some rest," I suggest.

"No. I don't want to sleep outside anymore!" Violet protests.

"We don't really have any other options here," Piper points out.

"Guys! Stop arguing!" Jasper yells. We all turn to face him.

"Look, I have seventy-two bucks. That's enough to buy a room at a cheap hotel. We can stay there for the night. We're obviously all exhausted," he says, frowning.

"You have seventy-two bucks and you're just now mentioning this?" Carter demands.

"I was trying to save it for an emergency," Jasper snaps.

"Don't fight. We're all tired. Let's just go find a hotel," I suggest, trying to prevent future conflicts.

"Barry's right. Let's just go find a hotel," Cassidy says, stepping in. We all nod and drop the conversation, trudging on slowly and silently.

Sorry it's only one chapter today guys. I've been sick.

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