Opening ceremony

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Hey I be back! Hope you like this story so far!!!Thanks so much for reading! AND READ ON!!!!!!!

chapter 2

My maids are fast workers, within two hours they had came up with a plan... They had asked me what my favorite color was and I said blue, even though it wasn't my favorite color it was Aspens least favorite. I know he's smart so he will know why I picked that color. This part of the competition is very important the prince picks out ten girls to meet that makes a first impression on him by looks. then those 10 girls go to the palace while the others just rest and they each meet the prince and since the prince is the only one who can send in gifts to help us live we get the chance for him to like us more and the chances of winning are increased. I inhaled deeply, I really didn't want to meet the prince but I will try just to get under Aspens skin before I die.

I glanced up from my seat, Mary was coming toward me with a whole thing of hair pins, curlers and sparkles. I sat up straighter when she came over. She smiled at me, "Are you ready Lady America?" I smiled, "Of course, but you can just call me America you don't have to be THAT formal." She laughed, "Of course Lady- I mean America." I grinned back up at her. She smiled then angled my head to do my hair. She gently twisted it and pulled it. Her small fingers weaved the strands in and out and she placed small silver flower clips in.

when it was done my bright red hair was brilliantly twisted up into an elegant bun, with a few strands of curls bouncing at the bottom. Sliver flower pin were  scattered with out the bun and scalp. I starred at myself in awe. I never thought I'd look this beautiful. I was spun around and Lucy was standing behind me jumping up and down, god I loved her. She looked so excited to do my makeup. She was about to layer it on when I stopped her. "Lucy? could you go light? I don't like being all dolled up and makeup with me... I just would like it done lightly." She frowned a little, she was disappointed, but she nodded, "Thank you, your so sweet." I said to her.

When I said that she beamed up at me and curtsied, then started on the makeup. It took about ten minutes not as long as the other girls who spent 2 hours in makeup. When she was done she slowly turned me around, I starred in awe again, I looked so elegant but I still looked like myself. I was beautiful, I loved to finally see what Aspen was telling me, that I was beautiful. Lucy clapped her hands and then spun me around and Anne was next. She walked in carrying my dress, it was light blue, with ruffles it was fitted at the hips perfectly and went out from the hips down. It was beautiful. I reached out and my finger grazed the soft fabric.

I couldn't believe I was touching something so lovely. They quickly got to work slipping the dress onto me. and I gazed in the mirror, looking at myself I forgot everything, why I was mad, Aspen, my plan, my upcoming death. I just looked at myself in amazement. They made me beautiful. I snapped out of the trance to the knock on my door. I slowly glided to the door and opened it, there was a guard, he bowed to me, " Lady America, the chariot to the Opening Ceremony awaits." I curtsied and followed him the sounds of Lucy's squeals echoed down the hall. I smiled and rolled my eyes. They were my crazy girls! When I got to the chariot my mouth dropped.

It was gold with caramel colored horses that stood in front. The steps to get in were silver. It was beautiful. I was guided down the stairs and lead into it. The inside was just as lovely. I sat down on the satin covers seats as the chariot rode to the heart of district 1. This was the life, I sighed, I couldn't ask for more. Everything here was so perfect. I smiled I was so excited.

I sat quiet the whole ride taking in the silence. Everything was perfect. When I finally arrived there was a huge red carpet rolled out, and it had velvet ropes on the sides of it and guards lined it holding back the people. Cameras flashed and people screamed and whistled when I came out. It was not as perfect I didn't like all the attention. The camera flashes grew more and more, suddenly I felt blinded I was not use to wearing heels either.  I felt the ground slip out beneath me my world spun. I heard a big collective gasp from the crowd. I slowly got up and brushed off the dust, the crowd burst into applause. I felt my face grow red. I quickened my pace a little, then something caught my eye, there were signs with the people they were routing for. I saw through the flashes most of them had my face on them, I smiled a little wider, did they really like me?

I gazed in awe. Most of them had me on it but why? I couldn't get over this. How?! I glided over to the fans they were sweet. the attention wasn't that bad... I signed a lot of papers and shook peoples hands and hugged several others. One man leaned over and grabbed my shoulders pulling me closer and harshly kissed my cheek I stumbled backwards in surprise. I hugged him quickly and let out a nervous laugh then quickened my pace a little.

I finally arrived at the front gates of the castle. The other girls were all here already I was the last one to arrive the gates slowly opened and the kings voice echoed out of the castle, "Girls please enter meet us in the dining hall." We all raced in heels to the dining hall most of us tripping and falling. I was one of the last ones in. I sat down next to a girl named Marlee she seemed nice. We sat in the dining hall alone waiting for the royal family to arrive. Marlee leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Some royal treatment huh? The least they could do is be on time, I have been literally waxed twice in less than an hour, and for what?! to just be waiting for an hour! YEAH!" She said, I chuckled at this, "you said it."  We giggled together and kept talking for another hour until the prince and his family came in

. We all stood up and curtsied. Marlee and I made quick eye contact and a grin burst onto my face. I held back a laugh, so did she.By the time we all sat down Marlee and my faces were so red. The king stood up, "Ladies prince maxon has an unusual request... He would wish to meet each of you one by one. I approved, we do want the strongest of you to be the princess... So I will let him describe the rest." The king sat down and Prince maxon stood up and cleared his throat his golden honey hair falling perfectly in place. "I would like to meet each of you so I can get a feel for your personalities, We will be going alphebetical, So first up will be... Abby, then America, then Anna. I will announce the rest later but you will be the first three." with that he bowed and left the room.

The king told us to all stay seate dexcept the three who were called. Marlee gave me a half hearted smile, which I returned. I waited in the hallway with Anna for around ten minutes while Abby talked with Prince Maxon. When Abby came out she had a big grin across her face.. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Anna roll her eyes. I couldn't help but grin. I got up and walked into the room where Prince Maxon was waiting. He was rubbing his temples. I couldn't blame him Abby was a talker. "hi." I said waving my hand in the air then realizing I was suppose to curtsy.

He looked up at me my hand was still frozen mid-air. He grinned a little at the sight of it. I felt my face flush a little. He waved me over to him. I sat down in the chair across from him. I really didn't want to be here. Prince Maxon was te first to speak. "So... Your America right?" The corners of his mouth curved upward at the sound of my name. I nodded my head. "Well my dear, How do you like the castle so far?" He asked sounding intersested.My face grew red. "Don't call me that." I said, he looked confused as if he didn't know." call you what? My dear." I rolled my eyes a little, "yes, don't call me your dear. Cause I'm not." He looked taken aback. He probably wasn't use to being rejected.  "did I do something wrong you just don't seem to like me." he said.

I sighed out loud, "How do you not get it! Just because your the prince it doesn't mean I have to love you! I was thrown into this and now I have to chose between living and killing a bunch of innocent girls, to just marry someone I don't love, or die and lose the life I have." I said feeling the anger boil inside and my blood start to burn in my veins.

He looked at me and smiled, "Thank you." He said. I brought my eyebrow up "what?" I asked. he smiled again, "I said thank you, that's exactly the way I feel about it, but no one listens to me. my dad just said this is how it's always been done and I can't do anything to stop it. And everyone thinks it's great to be picked and they are going to kill themselves for me! I feel so bad about this!" He said running his hands through is honey hair. he looked up to make eye contact.

He continued talking, "America? If I could do anything to save you I will try, you understand how the world is not the fake image they put it as. You are truly amazing. And if you don't want to marry me I will try to find a way for you to live and make it so that you can go back to your normal life." I couldn't help but give a small bit more of a smile. he was so kind. "Thank you." I said. He smiled. I think...Just maybe I might come to like him...

Tell me what you think so far!!!!!!! Thanks!!

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