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Okay sorry it took so long to update I was concussed.

Chapter 9

I wake up in the comfiest bed I've ever been in. This is the 4th day I've been here. I sit up and rub my eyes. My hair is sticking up everywhere I just know it. I walk out I my room and Anne, Mary, and Lucy are setting the table for breakfast. I looked at the table it was wonderfully set.

On it was beautifully designed dish wear. The table cloth was changed daily and the color design of the room. yet they all blend with the various shades of green on the wall. I feel like Maxon is trying really hard to please me. and a few days ago when I asked if Marlee enjoyed how the colors of her room changed she asked me if I was feeling alright and that the colors don't change. so its apperanty more to please me.

He hasn't visited me since though... which I'm a little bummed about but the training helps me keep my mind off things. The only thing my mind is focused on now is the interview tonight. I've been watching a lot of Gavrils work to try to figure out what questions he might ask. Honestly though the only thing I can focus on is his hair. He changes it yearly. One year it's purple the next it's blue!

I can't focus on it during the interview though. I have to stay mature and make them love me. I will have to remember to breath. I must have been really pale because Lucy placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "Lady America, do you need to sit down you don't look so well." I shook it off. "No, no, Im fine!" I say. She smiles, "Good, you don't want to be sick this afternoon. Gavril won't want you to barf on his shoes." She pats me on the shoulder then finishes setting the table. Which I insist on helping set. Finally she caves in and let's me even though its her job.

She knows I only want to hang out with her. She also knows that I use to do this all the time to help my family. Right when we finish the table the food comes in. they lay out crescents, scones, and Danishes, they also had muffins. I sat down and yet again had to insist Lucy to sit down and eat with me. She says that she shouldn't but I always say that I won't eat unless she eats with me. same with my other maids. But currently they are working their magic on the dress for tonight.

After breakfast I go to the training room. I've improved a lot with a bow I hit the middle almost 95% of the time.I hear footsteps and I distinctly know they are Silvia's big buckled boots. She turns the corner. "America? what are you doing here?" I look around, "I came here to practice? Where is everybody." she looked confused then her eyes lit up, "Oh, you must not have heard. Prince Maxon said to call off practice today."

I stood in shock... "Okay?" I said. "are we... suppose to do anything else today?" She looked at her clipboard then back up at me. "Nothing other than lunch." She says. I nod then leave. I have nothing to do so I decide to head down to the pool. Marlee and Kriss were in the pool swimming I decided to put on my swim suit and join them.

Just my luck it happened to be a bikini. I hated them so much. I think I might as well wear a bra an underwear its practically the same thing. It was an icy blue bikini and it had a fringe over it but I had to admit it was very cute. I head back down to the pool and I try to find out where Marlee and Kriss went I begin to look into the water when someone shoves me in from behind.

I go into the water with a SPLASH! I quickly pop up to see Marlee and Kriss laughing their heads off. "Hey! Why did you do that!?" Marlee put on an innocent face, "do what?" I roll my eyes then come up with an idea, "Marlee I learned what Gavrils gonna ask you so I came down here to tell you what he was gonna ask." She leaned in eager to hear.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in. She let out a laughing squeal before splashing into the water and splashing Kriss. We were all laughing our heads off. we sigh and all look at each other when the painful reality hits me.

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