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(M/n) couldn't sleep. What a tragedy.

Nothing rare, so he was probably going to fall asleep sooner or later but right now, all he did was tossing around. Not that the bed was uncomfortable, it was just that no position felt right. Or maybe because it was cold as balls in the room because the windows were open but neither of them was willing to get up and close it. Beautiful, right?

(M/n) groaned in frustration as he pulled the blanket so that it would cover his arms, before he then remembered that he wasn't all alone. His (e/c) eyes carefully casted over to the male that was supposed to be sleeping next to him, but his eyes widened upon realizing something.

Guren was sleeping without a blanket. It was hilariously cold in this room and he wasn't using the blanket when it was right there.

"How the fuck?" (M/n) mumbled, once again shivering as another breeze entered the room. Curse their laziness.

"How lovely that the first thing I'm hearing today is your voice."

The younger male's eyes widened and his face turned slightly red as soon as the realization that Guren must have heard him hit him. So he wasn't actually asleep? (M/n) thought for a second. Maybe it was because Guren knew that, even if he decided to use the blanket, it wouldn't reach from his head to his toes so it would be useless. He snorted at the thought. But maybe Guren was just too lazy to grab the blanket, considering that he was also too lazy to get up and close the window.

Then again, (M/n) was also lazy as hell. But it was strange how he wasn't feeling tired anymore because he had almost passed out from exhaustion before crawling into the bed. But as soon as his head had hit the mattress, everything that was supposed to make him feel sleepy only made him want to sit up straight.

Funny because he really wasn't straight at all.

Deciding it would be the best to answer, (M/n) sat up slightly. "Maybe if you were using the blanket like you're supposed to, then you wouldn't be awake right now," he held back a laugh as he heard Guren turning around to face him, "which would end with you sleeping and me saying something about your weird ass habits without you ever knowing."

"Nice attitude you got there. Is it only active during the night?" Guren countered, making (M/n) pout.

This kid was too adorable for his own good.

Why had he invited him to stay over again? Right, because he was really curious what (M/n) was like. Nothing better than healthy curiousity. And he was definitely wanting to see (M/n) sleeping shirtless but that was only a small aspect. Sadly, because it was too cold, that didn't happen. But he still looked really adorable with his eyes half-closed.

"Nah, you have to flip a switch. Right there next to what makes people feel cold or warm." (M/n) paused. "Sorry, I forgot that's something you didn't have."

Silence followed and (M/n) smirked.

"Frosty the snowman." He silently muttered and pulled the blanket closer to him. Christ, this was going to kill him one day.

"What did you just call me?"

The (h/c)-haired male gulped. Shit, Guren had heard him loud and clear.

"Frosty the snowman?" (M/n) repeated with his tone making it sound like a question.

Guren sighed. "I'm not cold, you're the one that has the blanket pulled up to his nose."

(M/n) knew that he was right about that one. But did he look like he gave a damn? Absolutely not.

The younger man removed the blanket from the part that covered his arm and held it out. "Prove it."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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