The Last Chapter

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The person that opened the door was Mrs. Muse, she was a sweet 88 year old lady that had worked in the mansion for years and knew Gatsby rather well. The poor woman was losing her hearing, but her eyesight was stellar. As her eyes presented themselves with Gatsby fucking another man in his chambers, she smiled. "Jay, dear, your coffee is ready." Nick and Gatsby looked like deer caught in headlights. "Thank you, Mrs. Muse." He hissed, his eyes full of anger but Mrs. Muse couldn't see that. She gave him a sweet smile and nodded, "Anytime." She closed the door and Gatsby got off of Nick, laughing lightly. Nick was still in position and in shock. "Well, welcome to West Egg old sport." Gatsby winked, "I'll let you get dressed, you're also meeting me for breakfast tomorrow at 9 am so be ready." He got dressed casually and closed the door, leaving Nick to get dressed then go back home on his own.
Lol the end

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