Chapter 1

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I walked down the dark cobbled street, rolling my eyes as the rest of the old model bodies stared at me in envy, their heads moving robotically as they followed my graceful moves. You see, Professor Glameer had just constructed me, adding new technology to me that caused shock to all the other creatures he created- the old models, full of old tech and rust, while I was smooth, sleek and fast. I continued walking, speeding up as my mechanical heart thudded in a rhythmic beat.

I moved the large metal branches and steel leaves out of my way as I looked out at the deep purple sky, thinking to myself. I felt so new, so incredible and different. I mean, I was completely innovative technology, something that the other models would die for- or rather, corrode for. But I still felt so strange. I wasn’t used to feelings regardless, so this was all new to me, but this feeling was something my mind couldn’t comprehend. It was a mixture of sadness and depression, mingled with a longing that was so overwhelming I held my waist as if I felt my insides melt. I wanted something, something more. Ii didn’t want to be this mechanical being that went through her days until she eroded. I sighed.

Suddenly, I heard a colossal bang above me, and the sky was showered with burning oranges and shimmering red as the ground shuddered beneath me. Gasping, I ran towards the sound, my curiosity ignited, and my eyes widened as I looked around. I had thought it was merely a celebratory firework display, but what I saw me screamed anything but celebration. The shimmering black ground was upturned, a trail of golden heat hissing across it. My gaze followed it, and I hid behind a large black trunk as a being began crawling out of a large white contraption that was radiating so much heat, the surroundings seemed to melt around it. I heard this being cough and I peeked out to see the strangest male I had ever seen in my dozen hours of existence, his large white gloved hands waving away the black gas from his face as he spluttered, his face a strange mixture of cream and red. What kind of material was this? Was he made of some unique metal? I shook my head, craning my neck to see more, and without knowing, my silver heeled foot slipped, and the male froze.

‘Hello? Is someone there?’ He asked in a deep voice. So this strange alien spoke English. I felt my fingers gripping onto the trunk as he inched closer, and soon, he was in front of me. We both gasped.

. . .

He thought she was the most incredible creature he had ever seen, his eyes widened as he saw this shining silver girl crouching behind this matt black tree trunk, her silver face masked beside shimmering silver leaves, enhancing her beauty as her bright blue eyes stared intently at him. He felt his heart thudding rapidly, his mouth hanging open as he took her in greedily. She had shimmering blue hair and wore a diamond studded body suit, the glimmering material hugging her sleek body.

‘Erm… I come in peace.’ He spoke out hesitantly. She was incredibly beautiful, but he felt so confused and frazzled from his rocket crash. She looked up at him, her eyes watching his constantly as she pulled herself up slowly. He reached out to help her, and held his breath as he felt a strange tingle from touching her smooth, cold hand.

‘Wow.’ He whispered.

. . .

I began to feel more confident as he remained frozen, seeming quite shocked as he stood there, staring that me in a way I had never experienced nor could I understand. I walked around him slowly, staring at his strange body and clothing. He felt so soft when I touched his hand. He had a large white covering on, almost like a pillow, and I had to supress a giggle. He held a large glass and white sphere in his hand, leaning it against his body.

‘What are you?’ I asked curiously, and was surprised to hear a small chuckle escape his lips.

‘What am I? I should be asking you.’ He replied, his eyebrow rising humorously.

‘Why would you ask me? You’re the alien!’ I stood in front of him, glaring at him to show I was not vulnerable. I didn’t know what he was capable of, but I didn’t think he would hurt me. Still, I wanted to show I could deal with him if I had to.

‘Well, I’m a human,’ He smiled, and I felt my heart beat change its rhythm suddenly. ‘You’re turn.’

He looked at me expectantly, and I smiled. ‘You really are an alien,’ I giggled. ‘I’m a metlador. Newly constructed, can’t you tell.’

He smiled at me, and I mirrored it as he slowly began to creep closer, his eyes staring at me intently, as though he could see my turning clogs and ticking mechanics. He was so close, I felt his hot breath in wisps against my cold metal skin. I froze slightly as he whispered.

‘You’re incredible.’

I leaned back slightly, feeling the most intense feelings buzzing in my core. ‘What are you doing?’ I asked curiously. Did he know he could make me feel this way? Was this his power?

He chuckled slightly, his hand reaching back to rub his neck as a pink flush crept over his cheeks.

‘Just cheking you out, Metladore,' He replied, smiling. 'I’m also trying to flirt with you.’ 

‘What’s that?’ I asked him. Flirt? Was that the name of his power? I noticed his face began getting redder.

‘Well, erm… Basically, it’s when… it’s, like… When, you like a person, then you… Well, act- or try to- act charming, so they’ll like you back.’

‘Oh,’ I breathed out shakily as I began to understand him. He liked me?

‘You are seriously beautiful though. What’s your name?’ He asked, his fingers beginning to gently caress my  face, his thumb pressed gently against my cheek.

‘Layauna,’ I whispered, before I wondered aloud. ‘Where are you from? What species are you?’

He laughed heartily as he shook his head, smiling at the ground before he looked up and replied. ‘This is so bizarre. Well, Lay, I’m Justin. I’m a human, an astronaut from Earth, but I kind of-’ He looked behind him at the mess that flamed behind us. ‘-crashed.’

We turned our heads suddenly as the sounds of sirens shook through the air, vibrating through our ears. I shook my head, my eyes wide in fear as I grasped his hand, feeling a strange feeling buzzing through my body.

‘They will hurt you.’ I spoke shakily, confused at my strange vocals as I became lost in his eyes.


‘You’re different! You don’t understand Metladores, they have this need to convert and change things, make them better, state-of-the-art,’ I rushed as I began dragging him away from the increasingly loud sirens. ‘You would be the perfect specimen for them, they would try to take away the secrets of your planets’ life, use them and change them, change you.’

‘They?’ He smirked, looking at me expectantly as we crept through the shimmering silver foliage.

I shook my head in reply, huffing at his attitude. I began to understand that his smiles and smirks that made me feel so strange were consequences of his flirting powers.

‘And you wouldn’t do that to me because you care, or…?’

‘Would I be taking you home if I didn’t care?’ I replied, slightly annoyed, before my hand flew to my mouth as I stared at him in shock. Did he just get me to say that?

He smirked again and I heard him mutter, ‘Want me all to yourself, hmm?’

He grasped my hand once more, and I kept my gaze lowered as we brusquely walked up the hill, on the way to my home.

. . .

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