Chapter 3

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‘You really need a new shirt.’ I laughed as I sat on the cold kitchen ground, metal parts scattered around my legs as I welded bits together. It had been some hours, and thanks to my speed, we were nearly half way through building his new rocket.

‘Yeah, yeah. You know you like seeing me like this.’ Justin replied back cockily as he continued hammering, his facial expression painted in pure focus, except for his cheeky smirk.

A little later, Justin decided he needed a break, and so there he lay on the cold kitchen floor beside me, his arms raised behind his head as he closed his eyes. I took this opportunity to look down at this strange and amazing creature beside me, taking in his indented cheekbones and strong jaw, the sharpness of his collar bone against his skin and the perfect shape of his torso. It was like he had this power over me, and I felt this sudden urge to touch him, though I repressed it.

‘So,’ he broke the silence as he opened his eyes, and I quickly averted my gaze back to the metal parts. ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’

I looked down at him, my face riddled with confusion at his question and serious tone.

‘Boyfriend?’ I repeated quizzically. He smiled slightly, as though my naivety was amusing.

‘A… male companion. Someone you are really close to, emotionally and,’ he paused, his gaze wandering searchingly into mine. ‘Physically.’

‘Oh, um,’ I faltered due to his intensity. ‘No. I was only made a while ago, and no one is really like me any way. Or I don’t think they are.’

‘What do you mean?’ He asked, though I noted his tone was suddenly much jollier as he sat up beside me.

‘Well, I don’t feel like I really belong at the moment. I don’t know. It’s probably because I’m the only new model around, but I just feel so isolated. I feel like I need something more.’ I said solemnly, my fingers fiddling with the wrench as I began thinking of the other Metladores. My head shot up as I felt the low pressure of his forearm on my knee as he took my hand.

‘Like what?’ He whispered.

‘That’s the thing. I don’t know myself,’ I smiled as I released my hand from his grip, busying myself with the things before me. ‘But anyway, what about you? Do you have a companion?’

‘Nope.’ He smiled down at me before grabbing a welding torch and continuing with his work. Break time was over, I guess.

. . .

It had been many hard and tiresome hours, full of laughs, frowns and fears as the sirens occasionally rung through the air. But finally, they had finished, and Justin and Layauna stood side by side in the backyard of Layauna’s home, staring up at the rocket with pride. She turned her head as the sound of a large bell tolled, and she turned back to Justin.

‘You’re leaving on new years eve,’ She laughed as she looked at him, her smile wide. ‘Guess the sparks from the rocket are going to have to work like fireworks to welcome the new year.’

‘It’s new years eve here?’ He asked, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, and Layauna nodded,  smiling to herself as she considered how amazing this human was, how much of an effect he had on her. She was made as a rational Metladore model, but helping him had been irrational and instinctual, and that went comlpetely against her very being. They both turned back to the rocket, consumed in their thoughts.

‘Seems a little small.’ She laughed, hinting at his height. He merely shook his head, his eyes glued to the rocket.

‘It’s perfect.’ He whispered as his thoughts wandered to Layauna. How was it that this extra-terrestrial creature could be so peaceful and welcoming, to the point where she had risked her home and herself for someone who was not only a stranger, but of a completely different species. He felt his heart thudding stronger and louder as he thought of leaving her.

‘Justin!’ She shouted once more, and he turned suddenly, pulled from his thoughts as he looked at her, her eyes full of fear and concern as metallic pounding noises resounded through the air around them. ‘Metladores are here. They know what I’ve done, Justin. They know I harboured you and helped you.’ She sounded so afraid that he instinctively pulled her to his chest, her cries vibrating against his body as his thoughts whizzed around in his mind.

‘Come with me.’ He said confidently as he pulled away, looking into her eyes.

‘What?’ She breathed out, her eyes wide as the sound of the bell tolled behind them. 5.

‘Come with me, Lay,’ He repeated, his hand grasping her own in a tight hold as his other settled on her shimmering cheek. ‘Come to Earth with me.’ The ringing of the bell echoed once more. 4.

‘What? Justin, I’ll be stuck, just like you were here! Your Earthlings will think I’m an alien and they’ll hurt me, Justin, I can’t. How can I?’ She asked, her voice raising over the bell. 3. Her metal front door was torn open, the voices of the older models screeching through their ears as they began to claw their way through the door, trying to make their way out into the garden to capture them. 2.

Justin suddenly cupped her face, bringing her closer before whispering against her lips. ‘I love you.’ 1. With that, he pressed his lips down against hers, and Layauna felt the jolts and shocks of his emotions pouring into her through the kiss like nothing any Metladore had ever felt. She felt the sparks radiating through her body as she grabbed on to Justin, the air around them electric with their feelings.

They pulled away, and Justin gasped as he looked down at her.

Looking back at him was the most beautiful human girl he had ever seen, her bright blue eyes staring intently into his hazel ones, the warm cream skin of her hands caressing his chest. She inhaled sharply as she noticed the change of her hands, and looked into the reflective outer layer of the rocket, her eyes wide in shock and her mouth open as she stared back at the reflection of this human girl. She turned back to Justin, who had a large grin plastered to his face, and he grabbed her hand, pulling her into the rocket.

‘We’re the same.’ He whispered as they buckled themselves in and started the engine, and he leaned into her once more to place a gentle whisper of a kiss on her lips before noticing the roaring of the Metladores outside.

The rocket shot up at a shocking speed, tearing through the sky of a new year as it travelled to a new home, carrying the two lovers with it.

Layauna smiled to herself as she looked down on her purple planet, her hand encased in Justin’s. Only then did she realise how complete she felt. The missing piece she thought she had in her was complete. It was Justin. He thought she saved him, but really, he saved her.

. . .

Thanks for reading, I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I may be writing a follow up story sometime soon so keep an eye out for that, and please check out my other stories-
Within Our Blood
The Grass is Greener
Just a Glimpse
I'd really appreciate it, I think you'll really enjoy them so please go check em out

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