Chapter 2

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‘So, this is your home?’ Justin asked, his eyes glinting in the flickering candlelight as he entered the large sitting room, his hands tracing over the plush sofa chair as he settled down, rubbing his hands as he settled by the newly lit fire while I entered the kitchen, looking around for something to give him. What do humans eat?

‘Uh, I’m not sure what to give you to eat, do you want some oil or-’ I asked as I entered the sitting room, before stopping in my tracks as I stared at him. He was stood facing the fire with his bare back towards me as he peeled off his large, puffy white suit and thin grey undershirt- which were both soaked with sweat and oil from the crash. He turned around as he heard my voice, a smile on his perfect lips. I shook my head slightly as my gaze trailed down his chiselled torso, shining with some persperation, before returning to his shining hazel eyes.

‘Oil?’ He chuckled. ‘No, that’s ok; I’ve got some stuff in my backpack.’ He walked towards me, and I held my breath as he leaned by me, his breath tickling my neck, his hot skin almost touching my cold metal shoulder. He reached out to the table behind me, grasping a large white backpack, slowly pulling it towards himself as his eyes remained on me. I breathed out shakily as he turned, walking away.

‘So, what’s Earth like?’ I asked as we both settled on the soft sofa. I watched him unzip his backpack and rummage through it before he pulled out a small plastic box filled with thin objects. He took one and ate it, the crunching sound filling the air for a moment as he chewed on the food before he swallowed, licking his lips. He offered me one, which I declined.

‘Well, it’s great, I guess. It’s full of people- humans, I mean- and animals.’ He shrugged. ‘What about you? What’s your planet like, apart from it being full of metal and shi- stuff.’

I cocked my head to the side, my eyes on the flickering gold fire that was illuminating the dim room as I thought to myself.

‘It’s occupied by Metladores, who are kind of like me. Well,’ I paused slightly as I thought of the old models that had had their glaring gaze on my body since I had been formed. ‘They’re not exactly like me. Metladores come in different forms at different times. We were made by Professor Glameer and his family; they constructed us, and have done ever since old-fashioned Metladore models were first made. I’m the newest model, made of brand new tech.’

I turned to him, noticing that he was staring absorbedly at me, a small smile on his face. 

‘So, you’re made, like, by a guy. Oh.’ He pressed his lips together as if he held a private joke.

‘What’s funny about that? Aren’t you made?’ I asked, my eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. I didn’t like him acting like he was more normal than me. He was the alien, I was the normal one.

‘Well, yeah. But we’re made a bit differently,’ He smirked again, and I supressed the urge to roll my eyes at his secret humour. ‘We’re made when a guy and girl, uh, like each other, so they go get… together.’

I was still slightly confused, especially at his reaction to having said this to me, a light blush creeping on his cheeks as his gaze turned to me through his long lashes, before returning to the fireplace.

‘Get together?’

He turned to me once more before gently placing his hand on my knee and leaning forward slowly, and again I could feel his warm breath brushing against my lips as his gaze remained on them. I felt myself leaning forward ever so slightly, my head turned at a slight angle as his soft hand gently trailed over my arm and neck, resting on my cheek.

‘Are you flirting again?’ I asked, and he leaned back, chuckling as his hand rubbed the back of his flushed neck. As he did this, I couldn’t help noticing the beauty of his light skin on his neck as the orange glow of the fireplace illuminated it in the dark, the thin vein that trailed up it, leading to his defined jaw and perfect face.

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