You're too good for me

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Olivia rolled to her side and winced at the sunlight peaking through her curtains. Her head was pounding, and she was dehydrated. She looked down at her bed and her tight dress was still clinging on and her makeup smeared all over her pillow case.

Liv heard the twins arguing over the tv in the distance. She picked up her phone and found seven missed calls and a handful of new messages. Most of them from Elliot.
The night before just came in small flashes. She didn't realize her incident just yet.

The smell of bacon and Noah's distinct voice drew her towards the kitchen. Of course she cleaned up before Liv presented herself to the family. She wrapped herself in a silk bathrobe and walked out of her alcohol stench room.

She walked into the kitchen and her eyes gazed upon Nick and his dangerously low sweats. Noah was peaking over the breakfast bar to catch what he was doing at the stove.

"Mijo, you have to stay over there for this part. The bacon grease is crazy."

He turned his head a bit then greeted Olivia

"Buenas Dias, Liv. I see you're finally up. How was yesterday?"

She proceeded carefully, knowingly that Noah is close by.

"What happened last night?" Noah poked his head out.

Nick was keeping busy with the food acknowledging Olivia was going to explain as little as she can.

"I seen your Dad. We just talked" Her eyes lingered to Nicks giving him a sign that there was more to it.

Nick kept his head down and dismissed Noah to watch tv with his sisters. Olivia avoided the conversation by making herself coffee. The bitter taste of the sour blend made her sick, and bacon grease didn't help.

"I'm sorry, I'll be back." She gagged and swiftly walked to the restroom.

"I don't even want to smell alcohol ever again" Liv mumbled as she threw up her sip of coffee.

She stood up and fell back into her bed. Her phone rang directly into her ear wincing at the piercing sound.

"Elliot" Liv read off of the screen
She already had 7 missed calls and wasn't ready for another one.

"What?! What can be so important that you have to call me numerous times, El? Are you hurt?"

"No, it's just I need to talk to you."

"Sorry, Elliot I'm not in a mood to talk. My head hurts and the damn ringtone doesn't help."


She took her phone off her ear and ended the call.

Last night?

Olivia knew something was up. Some part of her was tugging at her self control to pick up that phone and call Elliot. She laid there in bed sniping at herself. Never, in all her years of dating or being in a relationship she wouldn't be this emotional. Then again, this was a five year commitment.

It was awful, Liv had some doubts about Elliot but in a second she was ready to try again and have this entire thing behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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