Chapter 2 (worked up over nothing)

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I made my way home thinking of how this would be my first step to self actualisation, I should be in the school hostel or should have rented an apartment nearby but let's just say my parents don't have my time yet, I'm not at the top of their priority at the moment.

I got home, went straight to my room prepared the mix I was going to send to the ear pierced guy, I didn't even bother to get his name, this was one of my bad habits , I never really like getting to know people, I've been keeping to myself so long that I don't bother cos I know they are not going to be around for long. I think my issue with people started with my parents neglect, how I was never good enough for them and how they focused all their attention on my sister, in school too my sister also out shined me, did I mention that we are twins. I have always been picked on by bullies, so I created a defence mechanism to just withdraw from people "if they don't get close to you, they can't hurt you" that has been my motto.

Just as I finished sending  the mix to an email which  says, but first why will someone's email be death to all, this is  just too  creepy, my thoughts starts to run wild, maybe he is in a cult, he walks at a night club he definitely would be trouble, I try to calm myself down when my sister walked in

"Hey? Did you have class today" she slammed the door and landed on my bed

"Obviously" I opened a new tab on my laptop, not looking at her

"You looking good today" she grinned at me

"What?" That didn't sound right to my ears, for the past few years there had been a weird sexual tension between my sister and I, I have been trying to burry the feeling but my sister isn't any help she constantly keeps flirting with me

"I said you looked nice" she still kept the grin on her face

"What?" I looked confused

"I mean I will totally do you, I'm just saying" now she started laughing

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I said now laughing too, even though I try as much as possible to shut down the flirting, I  kinda enjoy it and she knew I did.

"So there is a freshers party happening in school, do you wanna come?"

"Okay?" I was a little skeptical about this parties, I don't know anyone, and who am I going to dance with?,  I'm also a terrible dancer

"Come on!, this might be your chance to get that thing of yours wet" she smiled

"And our parents think you are a saint" I said perplexed

"Whatever, you are coming and that's it" she walked out of my room

She always had a way to get me to do whatever she wanted , she always led while I followed, this pissed off my parents and I think that's why she was their favourite, my dad will always say "don't you know you are the man"  I never fully understood what he meant by that.

The night came, I decided to follow my sister to the party and of course she brought her A game she wore a bum short with a crop top, every  guy there was staring and she loved the attention she was getting

"Hey I'm bout to leave you alone now" my sister said smiling at the guys who has been eyeing her

"Feyi now you going to leave me" I  gave her the "you turning your back on your family" look

"Dont do that, you go out there and have fun" she snapped back at me, resisting my attempt to make her feel guilty

So now I'm in the middle of a party, I had no idea of what to do, why did I let my sister talk me into coming here, I don't understand anymore,  everyone is having fun except me.

"Hey" a hand landed on my shoulders,  I turned back and saw ear piercing guy

"What's up?" I tried to look cool

"So I listened to your mixtape" I noticed the disappointment on his face

"And?" I asked, like I already knew what he was going to say

" I did not like it, it's okay but not good enough, I mean we are talking about getting people to forget about their worries and get lost in the music, I am looking at getting people to make mistakes that they are going to regret when they are sobber but they won't care, I mean can you listen to the dj playing? And can you see the people? This is what I'm talking about, music is a weapon and you gotta know how to use it" he spoke staring down at me

" I understand what you mean" I couldn't keep eye contact with me, it felt like I was receiving one of my dad's scoldings

"But dont worry man, I'm gonna teach you how to live, but first let's have fun at this party" he smiled at me

"Alright" I said reluctantly

"So tell me what kind of girls do you like?" He grinned at me

"Any kind" I sounded confused

"Okay?" He gave me a wicked smile

He tured to the girl in front of us , he tapped her

"Hey I'm kelvin" he kept his grin

"Hello?" The girl looked confused
" cmon don't be scared, what's your name?" he kept his gaze on her like he was trying to intimidate her on purpose

"What?, why would I be nervous? My name is Josephine?" I could see she was trying to hide that she was intimidated

" Josephine.... what?" He said in a commanding tone, I was already sure the girl felt offended

She giggled "Josephine adewunmi"

This was really getting interesting and confusing.

"Okay Josephine, do you know this guy here?" He pointed at me

What the fuck is he doing? I did not as for him to set me up, what I'm I going to say? I had no idea of what to do

The girl stared hard at me "No I don't think so"

"Alright, this is?...." he signaled me to say my name

"Folarin" I said smiling

"Oh I like the song" he turned the girls back towards him and they started grinding. I could not just believe it, it can't be that easy?

I walked round the party looking for someone to dance with, I was too shy you walk up to the girls and the ones I summoned courage to talk to, turned away from me in disgust

The party was over, me and my sister had already gotten home, I narrated what had happened to her, she laughed at the whole thing and almost chocked on her laughter

Soon everywhere became silent she moved closed to me and grabbed my little man and started fiddling with it, I was shocked but I didn't have the power to do anything, I was paralysed

"You need to get this thing wet, getting it wet will give you confidence and that's all you need with girls" she adjusted her hand to accommodate the bulging in my trouser

She fiddled with it for a while, gave me a little kiss on my check and left me just standing there

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