Chapter 5 (there might be something there)

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The next few days were confusing, not only did Feyi act like What we shared never happened, she was acting like I don't exist, she will always pester me, and I always complain, but after what happened she just changed, she went cold on me.I tried ignoring her but it started becoming alarming, I started doing this that would naturally annoy her, but she did not reply. One particular moment I took her phone and started reading all her messages out loud she just glanced at me for a brief moment and walked away. All this was driving me nuts, I just decided to give her space, I thought we were about to have something special, maybe I was wrong or maybe she realised how crazy this is and wants to put a stop to it, well that's fine I never wanted us to be involved anyway.

While things at home was weird and crazy, things at school were going great, Nifemi and I had become very close.
But the problem with Nifemi was her boyfriend who I've never really met, she never talks about him, which was a sign of hope for me.
We had become reading partners which to me meant a step in us becoming something more that friends or so I hoped

"Hey, let's meet up today, we should read overnight"

I was anxious to hear the reply on the other end of the phone, I really wanted to spend some time with her, being with her takes my mind of home

"I don't think I would be able to come, I'm supposed to spend night at tobi's"

"Sorry who is tobi?"

" Very funny Folarin, tobi is my boyfriend "

" Okay then have fun, I will find love too"

"Folarin you are very funny I swear"

Well I guess I had to face home today, nothing seemed interesting, the fact that I wouldn't be able to see her was just weighing me down, I made my way home, resided to my bed and drifted to sleep.

The ringing of my phone brought me out of sleep, I checked to see who was calling and to my surprise it was Nifemi, I was a little confused, why will Nifemi be calling me? She is supposed to be with her boyfriend

" Hello what's up"

"Did I wake you? I'm sorry but I'm on my way to school"

" No I'm on my way to school too"

I was surprised by the amount of energy that filled me because I would get to see her, I started to notice the feelings I was developing for Nifemi

I got to school as fast as I could, when i got there the street light was reflecting Nifemi's beauty, the smile on her face just put the whole world on pause, all I could think about was how lucky her boyfriend was to have her

" What are you staring at silly "

" Nothing...."

" What's that on your finger?" This was the first time I saw a ring on her finger

" TOBI gave it to me"


It wasn't the comforting of discoveries to know she was wearing the ring her boyfriend gave her to spend time with me

" I wore it on my way to tobi's house, but I decided not to go anymore"

" So why did you change your mind?" A grin flashed through my face

"Aren't we here to read?"

" I don't want to fail"

I noticed her blushing, wow could she be falling for me? I mean she left her boyfriend to come spend the whole night with me

" Well, if that's your story "

"What?!" She chocked on her own laughter

"Yes, if that's your story"

"You are not serious"

She punched me sending electric shocks through out my body

" So lemme get this straight, you left your boyfriend to spend time with me"

"Folarin get over yourself, I'm here to read"

"If that's your story" I was enjoying where this was going

"Whatever, nerd" she was blushing seriously

We got to the overnight library, after contemplating about where to sit, I got a glance of her cleavage, I just went into a trance, my brain stopped working, I was static, I didn't move, I didn't saying anything, I wasn't concerned about everything around me, she had filled my mind.

"Hey nerd!"

" won't you sit down"

Those words brought me back to reality,

" were you checking me out" she grinned at me, shame filled my body

" Well you look beautiful today"


" So it's only today I look pretty right?"

" you know what I mean" I really couldn't stop smiling

While I was about to compose myself, our eyes meet, this weird feeling overcame me, I took my eyes away feeling uncomfortable, I don't know why this way, I couldn't wrap my head why I couldn't raise my head to look at her, everything about this night just immediately became uncomfortable

" So what do you think about my ring"

Why was she asking me this question? Why did she need to know what I thought? Or maybe she just wanted to break the awkward situation between us

"It's alright" I decided to play along

"Just Alright" she flashed her beautiful smile at me again, God why is she doing this to me, I mean doesn't she know she is pretty, and this is cruel teasing and flashing me with the thing I desperately want but I can't have because it belongs to another

" wait, why do you only wear the ring only when you go to see him?, it's like you don't like it?"

" Well, it's like a symbol that shows that he owns me"

" I just wear it to make him happy"

" and if I wear something that show that a guy owns me, amazing guys like you won't want to hang out with me"

" Really?" Everything she said did not make any sense to me,

" Yea, you pretty amazing"

"Just amazing?" I was loving where this was going

"And you are cute"

" Nifemi are you flirting with me?" I was really enjoying this

" get over yourself"

" Oh my god, you're really flirting with me"

"Shut up"

The night drifted fast, but I couldn't stop wondering what this night was about, but what I understood from this night was that she and her boyfriend are definitely having problems and somehow she might be into me....

Dark AlleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora