Chapter 7 (welcome to hell)

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My night was horrible, I wished everything that happened was just a nightmare, but no, it was real, I checked my phone saw a message from kelvin which said how disappointed he was in me. My life Is just a mess, I mean I got my opportunity to Finally show people what I got inside and I screwed it up, I'm just a talentless fool, how would I be able to look kelvin in the face? and for some reason I needed someone to talk to, I scrolled through my contact list and the only people I could talk to don't want to talk to me
Feyi has been giving me the silent treatment ever since our event and for some weird unknown reason Nifemi just shut me out, and ironically that's what hurt the most right now, I mean she was the closest person to me, I was beginning to open up to someone, I was falling for her and sadly I was under the illusion that she was falling for me too, but what could I have done to make her be so cold towards me, I tired to message her on WhatsApp just to discover that she had blocked me, this was becoming worrying, I tried calling her but her number wasn't reacheable. So I decided to do a little stalking, I went on Instagram her page and saw her latest picture, she was in a red swim suit and god she looked so hot, her eyes and that her striking smile sent shivers down my spine, my heart started raising, as I saw her caption to the picture "negative vibes, negative music, useless people move aside..... bye bitch". Like what the fuck? did she hear about my show flop, and is she trying to diss me? So now I'm useless? Alright then it is my fault, I gave her too much attention, I could feel tears building up but godforbid I cry over a girl, so I dropped my phone just to get something to eat, as I got to the kitchen I saw Feyi already helping herself with some cereal, I walked passed her completely ignoring her. I am done giving people my attention

"Hey!" Feyi called out to me

"Hey" my reply cold



"So I heard about your show"

"Don't sweat it, there would be other chances and you will kill it, it was your first time so don't bother yourself too much"

" okay thanks" I poured my cereal into my bowl and started eating

" alright, good talk" she stood up to walk away

" you don't have sense"

"What?" She chuckled as if what I said was funny

" I said you don't have sense" repeating myself

" why?" She gave me an intimidating stare

" come on!! Like what the fuck? You snubbed me for like how many weeks!!"

"I'm sorry but It was for the best, it's better this way" she smiled and walked away

Why is everyone around me treating me like I was some kind of trash, well it seems like the world doesn't want me, and in that moment my phone rang

" hey Folarin, where the hell have you been?"

"Sorry, please who is this?"

" it's Chris"

" what the fuck!! Oh my god!"

" I just got into the country yesterday, I got your number from your sister, she's still a fox"

" you haven't changed a bit, it would be nice to see you though"

" yeah that's why I called, I'm kind of having a get together at my house tonight and wait don't freak out, it's going to be 6 people max, I know you don't like crowd, so what do you say?"

" no problem as long as I get to see you man"

"Cool then, see you around 9, bring a bottle"

" I don't really drink alcohol"

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