"Normal Day"

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Genos' Pov:
I go to the grocery to buy some foods for my master, and I just live same way just like a normal day....
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After I bought the foods, I go back to the apartment and I cook for my master's dinner and it's my master's favorite food and it is hot pot. While I cook, I watch my master to figure out that I become stronger like him, but it's hard and I can't find anything from him... "when I become like him?" I think myself... "Genos our hot pot!" Saitama said. "Sorry master, I just think about something" i said while putting the hot pot on the dining table. "You thinking about what?" Saitama said in confuse voice. "Nothing master." I said with a small smile to him. "Let's eat now before our hot pot gets cold" saitama said. I nodded and start eating the hot pot.
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I lay on the bed and still thinking about the answers and I think that what if I can't reach it? Maybe I can't find it... maybe I will give up....
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Next day, I woke up and I dreamed my past.....
When i was little and I'm a normal human person, I am in the middle of the war, I was scared and what to do or where I can go because my mother and my father already died. But me and my sister left... we run everywhere that we can hide from monsters, but we get caught, We run, but monster gets her and I went back to save my sister, I don't even care if I get hurt, I just want to save my sister... but I get punch from the monster and I see blood on my hands and my eyes get blurred and the last thing I saw is that my sister died..
*Flashback end*
" I dreamed my past... I forgot that I have a sister... I didn't know I have a sister... wait, did I have a sister?" I said While I got headache early in the morning... (even he is a cyborg he can feel the human thing, thanks to his professor")
"Genos? Are you there? I'm gonna go somewhere that I need to go" I heard a Master's voice. "I go with you master." "Okey then" he said.
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I and master arrive the place that master said a while ago... and it looks familiar to me... i don't know why, but I saw this place before... "I heard here that there is a strong monster live here" saitama said. "Really master?" I said. We heard a noise. And we think that noise is coming from the monster.. we immediately go there and what I saw is... a monster is same as monster that I dreamed.. my eyes get wider and I remember my past and my dreams.. I don't know, but I feel scared and I get weak... "Are you okey Genos?" He said. "M-master.... I-i can't.. we need to run.. w-we get killed here..." "Genos, what are you talking about? What's wrong?" He said. Saitama finishes the monster in one punch... yeah, just one punch... " Again! Mann... they said that monster is strong and it is just a weak one!!.... come on Genos we're getting out of here... Genos?" I didn't believe what I saw.... master finish the monster in just one punch.... yeah, my master is so strong... "master.... y-you killed the monster..." "yeah, and Genos why are you acting strange... it's not like you..." He said. "Master, I actually dreamed my past.... and this place is my past... when I lost my body.." "oh... really?... (*put his hands on my shoulder..) "Well, let's go now, this place is so old and no people live here." He said while walking.. "Yeah your right master...." I walk with my master, but I turn back... I feel someone is following me.... " maybe it is just my imagination.." I walk straight forward to follow my master and we go home...

Hello guys another story I made... maybe I will delete my first story I made... well I hope you enjoy my 2nd story and I do my best to do it.... >_<

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