"Love complex?!"

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"Boyfriend".. "B-boyfriend..? O-okey.." You said while blushing.. The stalker walks towards you and He is...........
A NINJA! "It's speed of sound sonic, i didn't thought that it was him." Genos said "Do you know him?." You said "H-hi, can we meet later if you are free.." Sonic said nervously. "Excuse me, sorry she is busy today and don't get closer or stalk her anymore or else I'm going to kill you.." Genos said and look at him "It's none of your business, and by the way why you are here anyway?" Sonic said "umm guys calm down.." you said "Because.... she is my girlfriend you got problem?" Genos said while wrap his arm to her sholder. You blushed like your face is red as tomato.. Sonic get mad and run away.. " Well I guess he is gone.." Genos said and he smile.. "w-why am I blushing.. I mean he is my brother.... but.. why do I feel this..." you thought "Well let's go its getting darker here.." Genos said.. "Oh yeah... its already dark.." You said "Well let's go home, I will bring you into your home.." Genos said "Well the problem is... I don't have any house.." you said "Then I will let you stay in my master's apartment." He said "Oh really? Its really okey that I stay there?" You said happily "Yeah sure, I just tell my master.." he said

We open and enter the apartment, "Genos where did you go? Why are you so- Wait! Why do you bring some girl here?!!" Saitama said while get shock.. "Oh sorry master, well she is a new member of S class heroes, her name is (Y/N)." Genos said "Well nice to meet you.." you said "Hold on a sec.. you just can't enter my apartment like that!." Saitama said while get mad "Please master, I need a favor.. I can't let this girl just left behind.." Genos said kindly "He is so kind... I mean why do he need to do that just for me.. I mean he didn't know that I'm his sister right?.." you wonder..
(Y/N)'s POV:
I go take a bath while these two still arguing about me ... well at least I have a place to stay for a bit.. I'm thinking about him... I don't know why... I feel kinda something.. about him.. what do I feel about him?

After I take a bath I left the bathroom and I went to Genos and I ask "Where can I sleep?" "You sleep in my room.." Genos said "Whattt??!!" I was surprised what he said.. "Sorry but that's what my master said and there's no other room you sleep with unless you want to sleep here in living room.." He said "Oh okey then..." I said  we sleep together with Genos.. I face on other side because I'm too shy that we face each other... but I turn my head because I'm curious what he looks like when he is asleep.. when I saw his face, he looks cute when he is sleeping and I get blushed again all the time.. suddenly he hugged me..
w-what the heck?? He hugged me.. someone help.. he is so warm and his face is so handsome as before.. I can't take it.. suddenly he speak " I love you (Y/N) p-please don't leave me..." I was surprised what he said... I don't even believe it.. Does he love me so much?

Genos' POV:
Next day, It's weekend...
"Genos, I just go to grocery because the  super sales come out.." I heard master's voice and I wake up.. and I saw.. that we hugged each other.. I'm like what happened last night? She is going to wake up and she open her eyes.. I saw her beautiful (E/C) eyes that sparkling to my eyes... we faced each other... we feel kinda awkward and she said "Can you let go of your hands??" "Ohh sorry.. I didn't mean it.." I said we both got up and change our clothes and stuff like that.. "Do you want to eat breakfast outside?" I asked her "Yeah sure why not?" She said We go outside and find the place where we eat.. after done eating, we plan that we will just look around so that she can familiarise the place around. While we looking around an unexpected things just happen.. while walking we saw a group of couples and some woman said "Welcome to the Love course! You two are perfect couple so why don't you join here?!" They forced us to join here and we end up joining here even we didn't join.. "Ummm why we are here anyway?? I mean we are not couple?.." she said "Yeah I know right.. well I guess we don't have any choice..." I said while you blushed.. "Alright here is the rules, you guys need to complete the challenges on what we are given and if you complete it, the most points got will get 50% sales on any market stores and you'll get the ticket on private beach resort and you stay 2 days and 1 night.. so are you ready guys?? Let the love course begin!
~" "50% SALES?! my master needs this!" I said happily "A-A PRIVATE BEACH RESORT FOR 2 DAYS AND 1 NIGHT?!" she said it in her thought The first challenge is game that we need to shoot the heart which is target and you need to shoot them many as you could to get many points until the times run out.. The first game start, Me and (Y/N) just shoot every hearts that comes out and we just shoot all of the hearts and even others can't shoot it all..  they got surprised even the stuffs too.. "This one is too easy.." I said "Yeah I know right maybe we can win this" she said
Next challenge is you need to finish the ramen but couples need to feed on  each other.. our other hands get tie so we can only use one hands.. I take the chop stick and feed her first.. "Say ahh (Y/N)."
(Y/N)'s POV:
This is embarrassing.. I get blushed easily when he is at my side... I say ahh and I eat the noodles.. "Does taste good?" He look at me with smile
he makes me more even blush..
"Y-yeah it taste good i guess?.." i said shyly.. "well its your turn to feed me"
"o-oh y-yeah!.." "are you alright (Y/N)?" genos worried "yeah im alright i just need to feed you its j-just it it doesnt mean that i like to doing this f-for you idiot!..." i muttered and  blushed "Why are you angery at me? anyways feed me hurry up the time is running were gonna end up losing here" "fine fine fine! geezz..!"
*we finally finished the challenge and complete it were receiving the prize that they said as earlier after that were so tired  so we decided to head home together..

"Aaaaa so tired but atleast we got the prize" i said
"Yeah Thanks to you (Y/N). i got 50% sales coupon for my master and im sure he will get surprise about this"
"yeah im sure he does.."

Heeeeey everyone gomeeen its been a yearrr i guess? i didnt expect i got 500 views OwO thank you so much for readers who read this well i dont know if i will continue this story or not?..

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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