"The day that we met again"

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Genos' POV:
"What happen there?? Did my master did it?" I said... and i saw a person above and it is a girl... she has a (long/short) (your F/C) hair and she wear (Your fav. Cloths)...
"Who is that girl??" I said..
You go on the ground and you saw Genos..
You look at Genos with eye contact..
After few second, I saw her eyes falling a tears.. her eyes is so beautiful with her tears.. then you look back and wipes your tears.. "umm.. are you okey miss?" I said with worried voice.. "yeah, im fine.. um.." you said with cute voice.. "you did that?" I asked. "Yes.. i-i did that.." you said "you are so strong... well who are you?" I said.. "he did not remember me...." you thought.. and your eyes, almost fell tears again.. but you hold your tears.. "well.. Im (Y/N).. Well how about you?" You said and pretend that you do not know him...
"Well.. I'm Genos.. nice to meet you..." i said with smile... "Genos.. hi nice to meet you..." you said.. " oh no! My master! Sorry i need to go" I said while going up.. "Okey.." you said.. after leaving you, you talk yourself " My.. brother... what did i do... this is messed up.. Do i need to tell him that, im his sister or not?.. well maybe i will act a bit and then i will tell him.. the truth."
On Genos' side, "i hope my master is safe there..." i said and i see master coming out from spaceship.. and i quickly go to master.. "Master, are you okey?" I said "Yeah genos, I'm fine.. well that Boss is really strong.."Saitama said "Really master?" I said "Yeah.. Well after i defeated him, suddenly the spaceship cut into half.. well nevermind" saitama said and tatsumaki interruped "Hey, why the B class person is inside of a spaceship?... " But we just ignore her and walk out.. "Baldy! Octopus! Boiled Egg! Light Bulb! Avocado! Etc...." she said with annoying voice.. "Genos, tell her something.." saitama said with his poker face (or whatever that called XD) "Yes sir....Listen Spoiled brat, Shut up and get lost or get beat down" i said and i get pushed away going directly in the wall..
3rd person POV:
"What do you say a Brat?? I am older than you!" Tatsumaki said "G-genos!" You said with worried face.. everyone is looking at you.. and tatsumaki said "Well who are you? And are you the one who destroyed the spaceship..?" " Umm yes... why? And what did you do to Genos?" You said.. "Why do you asked that question?? He is there!" Tastumaki said annoyingly.. "Well who are you? How do you know Genos? Saitama said.. "Well I'm.. (Y/N).. I'm just met him a while ago.. you are the master of Genos?" I said "Ohh.. okey.. well he just wanted to become my disciple..." Saitama said "Oh... okey.. Well nice to meets you" you said with smile and you thought "Well I don't know that he had a master .. that bold head?? Oh well..."
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(Y/N)'s POV:
After few days.. The hero association invited me to join there.. because of what happened a days ago.. and well I guess I will join because my brother is there and its easier to communicate with him.. so my registration day is today.. so I go there and register..
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After I finish registration, I come out from the room.. and I saw Genos there.. I tried to hide and see what his doing... he is just talking with other S class heroes.. I guess later on they will have a meeting again.. "Excused me miss, here is your result.." The HA officer gives you a brown envelop.. and you opened it and you get a S class rank #18 .. "wow I never thought that I would be a S class hero.. anyways.. I'm the same with Genos so it means I can tell the truth to him.." you said happily "By the way, All the S class heroes have a meeting.. so why not you join to the meeting since you became a S class just now.." HA officer said.. "Oh yeah.. thank you.." you said with smile and I immediately go in the meeting.. and I saw Genos there... "Hi Genos.." you said with my hand waved at him.."Oh hi (Y/N) So you are S class hero huh..?" Genos said.. "yeah, I became a S class hero just a seconds ago.." you said "So what rank are you?" Genos asked "Well I'm rank 18.. and you?" You said "Well my rank now is 14..." he said "Ohh cool" you said.. "Attention! Now we will start our meeting..."
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After meeting.... the meeting talked about rebuild the city and other stuff like that.. "Genos, do you have any appointments today?.." You asked..
"Well no.. why?" He said "Well can we talked a bit in somewhere else?" You said.. "Oh okey.. sure.." he said.. you and Genos are walking and going to the cafe shop.. but something happen.. you had a stalker and which you do not like it... You don't know how to get rid of him.. and it annoyed you... and you saw a stalker that following you while you two are walking... you stop walking.. "What's wrong?" Genos asked you.. "Well... I had a stalker.. which I do not like... it's creeping me out..." You said.. "Well where he is..?" Genos asked.. "well he is there... hiding in the tree..." you said.. "Well I have a plan..." Genos said.. "well What's the plan? you said and he whisper you and said "I just pretend that I will be your boyfriend..." You get blushed when you heard a word "Boyfriend".. "B-boyfriend..? O-okey.." You said.. The stalker walks towards you and He is...........

CLIFFHANGER!! Hey guyssss thank you for reading this and sorry for my bad writing.. I hope you like my story... enjoy!~ Thank you for the following ^^ HAPPY NEW YEAR AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Genos' sister [One Punch Man] Genos X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now