"Who is this girl?"

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(Y/N)'s POV:
"I finally found him.. it's been a long time..." you said while laying on the grass under the tree..
------------------------TIMESKIP ----------------------
"Hi.. I'm (Y/N). It's been a three years finding my brother, but I know he is dead... but I still find him even he is dead for sure, but I believe he is alive...
One day, I see my brother in our past place where we stay together before..  with my mom, my dad.. and my brother..
I cried when I see my brother on that day... but I still don't sure, if it's him or not... well let's see if he is...
Genos' POV:
And again, today is still normal day... doing my everyday thing that we spend with my master..
I still think about my past time... i don't know if I have a sister or not.. well.. I just forget about it..
Today, we have received a message from the hero association, and it says "Emergency!  please proceed to the hero association building now.. The disaster level is a Dragon level..." I was surprised when I see the message and I immediately tell my master that we need to go to the hero association...
------------------------TIMESKIP ----------------------
We arrived at the hero association..  we have met with other S-class heroes and meeting about to defeat the dragon.. 
3rd person POV:
Tatsumaki stood up while strongly tapping the table and said "Where the hell there are?!.. it's about 2 hours waiting and still not yet here!" "What are these meetings?.. I can't go to my daughter's piano lesson for these Useless meetings!" Metal bat said. "Shut up! Metal brat! You are annoying!" Tatsumaki said while with her angry face. "What do you say!? Maybe you are the one annoying kid here!" Metal bat said while standing up and face tatsumaki.  "Oh so do you wanna fight? You Brat!" "Oh yeah! you little kid! I'm gonna  hit you with my bat!" "Everyone just please be quiet!.." Flashy flash said with a sigh. Well the two are still arguing and fighting... and then finally  hero association officers arrive... "We're sorry for waiting you so long... anyways, we'll start the meeting now.." everybody get quiet and listen the plan... "We will be defeating the Dragon level and in the research, it is the dangerous dragon level are coming here... well here's the plan-" 
Suddenly Earthquake came.. all the S-class heroes go outside and they see.... a giant spaceship of alien or a dragon?
With the city destroyed.. "W-what happen here?" The hero officers said.. "well looks, like they surprise attack us while we have our meeting.." Genos said.. "These punks are destroying the city, huh?" Atomic samurai said .. "We don't have any choice but we need to protect the city no matter what!" HA officer said (short cut ^^) well others are fighting, but others are going back home... Saitama jumps high and go inside to the spaceship.. "Master!... Be careful.." Genos said. "Hmmp! I don't need any help so, if you guys want to go home, then GO HOME!" Tastumaki said.. "well, maybe I will go home... or I will watch a minute" child emperor said.. "Well, i will go home first.... Genos, I have to tell you something.." drive knight said and whisper to him " Metal Knight is your Enemy.. so don't get close to him.." "okey.." Genos said..
While Drive knight go ..      On Saitama's side... he get inside of the spaceship and find the leader of the enemy..
On the other S-class.. Atomic samurai, silver fang, metal bat and puri puri prisoner fight the monster called Melzalgald.. (if you don't know then I put a short video and you'll see it above, so sorry guys XD I am so lazy to write the fighting scene but it is same with the Ep.10-12... Please continue^^)
Suddenly, the spaceship shoot a bomb going downward, but Tatsumaki stops the bomb using her physic magic and face the bullets upward and going back to their spaceship and get destroyed.. "The spaceship gets down! You did the good job! Tatsumaki.." superalloy blackluster said.. "oh really well, thats not enough.." Tatsumaki said.. "woah!, She is amazing.. well I can do things like her." Tank top master thought... But suddenly the spaceship cut into half... "w-wait what! W-what happen?" Superalloy blackluster said "I did not do that... well who did that?" Tatsumaki said..
On Genos' side.. "What happen there?? Did my master did it?" Genos said... and he saw a person above and it is a girl... she has a (long/short) (your F/C) of hair and she wear (Your fav. Cloths)...
"Who is that girl??".........
hi guysss! I know that you know who is that girl??... well let's see who is it... XD
Thank you so much for reading this! I love you guyss~ ^^

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