Broken Arm Charm.

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                                                                **((Min's POV ))***

      Waking up in a hospital bed was never my actual intention. My dad was supposed to be here. Not Me. I felt as though hospitals carried death in each bed. As much as you tried to escape,you'd end back up one way or another.  However I don't truly remember what happened. I mean I do know that I ranted at my father for quite a long time. Yet as I piece my thoughts together. I remembered the one thought that seemed blurry.OH FUCK I HAD FAINTED ON TOP OF NAMJOON. My mind went in a thousand directions. Would he be alright? Does he hate me? How long have I been out? Will I ever get a chance to apologize? Please let this be a dream. Before I could dwindle any longer. The nurse creaked the door open.

    She quietly walked into the pasty white room. I looked up at her with utter disbelief. This couldn't be happening right now. I think she could sense my second hand embarrassment  because she reassured me that Namjoon was alright and had left with the other members an hour ago. I didn't want to believe her at first,but my heart sank to the ground. Could I have really been so stupid to think that he'd stick around? I mean after all hes a star. We admire the stars from far away.Stars arent meant to love.I didnt learn this until I understood the barrier.  Stars and star gazers needed to have that distance. Otherwise who would be left to admire.So I'll watch them from below. I'll watch them from afar because I am one out of many who want them to have a happy ending.

  I was furious at myself for being so careless. Their next performance was only in a matter of days and I probably destroyed his chances on recovering faster. As I glumly sat on the bed, the nurse announced that I could leave soon.After a tedious hour of paperwork and explanations as to what happened. I was discharged from the hospital, Yet I realized the reoccurring accident never left my head.When I finally arrived home. My mother seemed to grow furious. She didn't understand why I skipped school to see dad.I know there wasn't an explanation to any of it but he was my father. He never played a role in any of our lives but I didn't think one last goodbye could hurt. I was wrong. I was so wrong.

"No hard feelings right." was the last thing dad stated before I ran out of his room.

I thought you were nearing your end,but you uttered that with a saddening sigh.

"No hard feelings right?"

I didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. For 16 agonizing years, I let the idea of you crumble against my palms in hopes the debris would bring you back.I sold my taste but the thought of you became too sour.Like spoiled wine yearning for any grieving mouth to rot.I came back today.Today was different.Usually a metaphor would be among your soul but todayYou were real.Slipping against my lips I wanted to shout out about how you ruined me.Yet,I donated my innocence bit by bit. However, there was no fault in your error.With your arms approaching my neck.I devoured the lies.Spilling the truth of another.You took me for pity.Sold rumors for your ranks.But no hard feelings right?I looked at you dearly,knowing that my feelings weren't anything to you.That every nightmare I had.Was your mistrust and betrayal.But no hard feelings right?I woke up with cold sweats knowing that I couldn't escape your gaze, but no hard feelings?You were right.My feelings became numb to every violent strike you threw.I somehow lost myself among your eyes knowing that my feelings were as empty as your pitiful lies.Four years.Four years  was all it takes to leave my mind at a burning stake begging for pride to come safely.No hard feelings right?You pinned me against the wall debating on whether or not to tell the truth,as your words run endlessly across the spine of my body.Your face grew cold as stories of how you left mom slip to the public.I cannot run from their chattering talk. Even if I begged to be taken away from such low lives.But somehow there were no hard feelings.

She still loved him. Her eyes showed the sorrow of losing a man she gave everything for. Her lips still yearned for the quenching taste of love but dad was dying. Death was pouncing towards every heartbeat and although mom understood. She had no choice but to love him even through death. Dad was her star. However he burned her to pieces,every time she got too close.Love burned but never killed her. Yet somehow were all on the brink of dying.

"Min honey please snap out of it. I'm not angry anymore. Your father doesnt control my life anymore,so please stop assuming such silly ideas" said my mother.

I looked up at her knowing that she was down right lying but there wasn't much I could really do.Before I could leave I heard my mothers phone ring.



"Yes, I'm min's mother."

"No she didn't tell me about fainting on top of any boy"?

"Are you sure it was Min"?



"Who is Seokjin? Why is he looking for her"??

"Alright thank you madam, I'll be sure to tell her."

I looked at my mother dumbfounded. She smiled wearily and informed me that a man named Seokjin was dying to meet the girl who put Namjoon in his place.I choked on my saliva. WAS SHE BEING SERIOUS??? He was a busy idol with so many things to do. After all Jin always meant business.  I begged my mom to tell me the truth,but instead she turned furious because I thought she was lying. I had no idea what to do. None of this truly seemed real. After pacing for so long, I think my mother saw my worried expression because she assured me that this was for the best. Dad has put us through so much, So dont I deserve to have this fairy tale? Even if its just for a little while. However I couldn't help but think  what happened beyond the stage. Beyond the dim lights.Beyond you. I couldn't help but to think about how I found the terrible twine of Love and massacre.Where fans shrieked of heartbreak.I shrieked of desire.Although this may not come as a surprise, I saw his twisted lips.I saw the red bruises begging to be intertwined.However he doesn't even know my name. So I'll sit watching  him fade among the roars of fans. Beyond the screams.Beyond the tears.I  found his heart beat,the most distracting.Through it all I sat and loved him a little less, because an idol isn't mine to admire. However it was never wrong to love.So beyond the lights and beyond him. I've come to see the boy who shines through.

                                                            ****(Jins Pov)*****

   I've never seen a girl fall so hard for a boy like that. I've also never seen anyone who can scream about a cactus to her father.

"Hey namjoon guess you could say she really FELL for you" said Jungkook.

Namjoon looked slightly annoyed and angrily fumed. I mean, I think he knew she meant well but that didn't stop Namjoon from being upset.  Namjoon never wanted to see that troublesome face again. However I decided to prank the feller. I  found the emergency information, listed under the fathers name. Sometimes all it takes is a very persuasive bodyguard to pry information. Besides Namjoon couldn't dance anytime soon and I might as well use my time efficiently.

The boys kept rehearsing without Namjoon. Yet I was still distracted. She was so oddly peculiar.Oh rats I probably just have a fever or something. Please just let it be a fever.

"Do you think bees get sad" said Yoongi.

I looked up at him wondering why he started talking about something as small as a bee.

" they're probably sad because they're BEEhind in pollinating" said Jhope.

Oh god these boys make me sick. It's like they try to BEE annoying. Before I could excuete another pun. Namjoon slowly stomped  in.

"Jin what girl did you promise we would all meet?If its the one that fainted on me I refuse. Shes done enough damage."

uh oh.

(Authors note)

Hey Guys! Im sorry its been so long since I've updated. Thank you to everyone whos been encouraging me to update. I really appreciate every read and comment. Thank you guys so so much. I know this chapter was kinda boring but I promise things will start up soon. Anyways stay Sick As FRick!! Also I finished this at 1:13 am. WHOS THE WINNER HERE? Not me, Im dying.

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