What are the odds

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                        *Jins POV"

She was different, I mean not my type at all but something about irking Namjoon gave me delight.He wasn't the type to fall for anyone but himself. However, I just couldn't let the joke go.

"Jin I really don't want to see that girl again. What's  gotten into you?"shouted Namjoon.

I smiled hesitantly before meekly replying with "of course you can't see her, she fell on top of you."

Namjoon walked over with scowling eyes. His body rocked with irritation yet I could still see his cheeks burning with every step. He wasn't the type to get so flushed over anyone but she was different. She wasn't memorable or average. She was just someone you thought about every once in a while. Sorta like dripping ice cream. Some people choose to put effort into cleaning the spill. Others don't mind. I, on the other hand can't let it go.

This is going to be a fun couple of weeks. I think things are finally starting to look up but before I could tease the lads anymore about the events that unfolded today. Our manager interrupted us.

"Tomorrow night the Stars High foundation will be hosting the charity event and as you guys know it's very crucial you attend. Not only will it look good, you'll also be doing good. There will be a lot of press so try not to bring any bad attention to yourselves. "

We all nodded, agreeing to anything he had to say. I liked to help as much as I could, but being around rich people all day seemed effortlessly boring. Unlike them I wasn't born into a rich family. I worked my way to get here. I put effort into everything I do and nothing is laid out in a silver spoon. They just feed off of their parents investments.

I'm not complaining, they give me free shrimp. Who can reject that?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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