Operation Save Lila part 1

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Warning:not edited


~chapter 18~

Ashtons P.O.V

After taking the little girl she won't stop screaming and crying I knew it would be bad but I didn't expect it to be this bad I mean come on "Oh my gosh shut the hell up" well atleast she stopped screaming I sigh as I continue driving back to the gang base I've warned then not to hurt the girl my goal isn't to hurt the child that's not how I work or how my gang works I just want Lexi I smirk at the thought of her and lick my lips

"now listen kid I'm not going to hurt you I just want your mom okay but if you keep screaming I will be forced to take harsh measures okay" the kid nods slowly tears still running down her face I sigh and pull into the gang base I honk the horn and they open the garage doors I pull in and get out of the car "get the kid but like I said before don't hurt her or I won't get Lexi and if you do hurt her well I'll kill you cut your bodies in pieces and ship you back to your loved ones" there are some murmurs in the crowd of men but they agree

"NICOLE" a girl comes forward from the crowd a smirk on her face "Yes Ashton?" She tilts her head her silver/light blue hair falling to one side "your sisters kid is in the back take care of her will ya" I leave no room for argument she slowly nods and walks to the car opening the door the small child jumps into her arms almost knocking her over "Aunt Nicole please help me they took me from mommy they're gonna hurt me" Nicole scoffs and carries the child away to her room while she takes the kid I begin to talk to the gang about who we're up against when Abigal walks into the room "so who's Lexi and why do you want her so bad hmm Ashton?" She circles around me I hate it when she does that "that's none of your business now go back to your post" she scoffs and stops in front of me her eyes narrowed "don't give me that crap Ashton" I grab her and pull her closer to me "I said drop it so drop it do you understand" she slaps my hand off of her and walks away mumbling curses under her breath

Asher's P.O.V

After forming a plan we're ready to go I've called in a few of my friends that I know can handle this such as my brother Alex Lexi's past lover Justin my friends Daniel and David and my childhood friend Ryder while Lexi called some of her friends and even her sisters but one doesn't wanna help I believe her names Nicole the one that can help is Lilian the others she called in are Catherine and her sister Isabella oh I almost forgot Xavier and Aaron are staying here incase somehow she finds her way back or one of us finds her and brings her back

Anyway we all get together talk about the plan and are ready for action we all leave the house and get into dark cars with tinted windows full on gang style I used to be in a gang the same one my brothers in I can honestly say I just got bored with it but I can also say I feel right at home aswell it kinda bugs me ALOT i lay my head back, close my eyes and groan and can feel someone shift beside me I look over at her and struggle not to smirk she looks so badass her beautiful hazel eyes large and ready for action sparkling with excitement "badass babe ready to go kick some ass yeah?" Her eyes widen as she realizes I noticed her staring

Her eyes darken from hazel to a really dark grey I can she the anger boiling inside her "hell yeah I'm ready bitch took my daughter" everyone in the car starts laughing including me Lexi raises an eyebrow at me before laughing aswell "Damn babe" she stops laughing as I lean in close to her and whisper in her ear "you're hot when you're pissed" I lean down and place a kiss on her neck "oi Ash" I sigh and pull away from Lexi to look at Ryder "what?" Ryder raises an eyebrow and smirks at me "really mate save that for some other time" I smirk and shake my head "yeah yeah" I look ov er at Lexi and give her a playful pout she smiles and giggles quietly

Lexi's P.O.V

I giggle he's so stupid sometimes I look up into his eyes he connects his with mine and just stares at me there's something in his eyes I can quite make out I tilt my head and just stare in his eyes his eyes widen and he looks away "turn here" he points out the windshield as David nods I look over at Bella "hey Bella why don't you tell Ryder your last name" Ryder looks over at her and smiles "what's your last name love?" Bella smirks and looks from me to Ryder "my last name is Ryder" Asher chuckles beside me and Ryder smirks "your last names trying to tell you somethin love" Bella tilts her head trying to act all innocent and cute I smile and laugh to myself at her actions "what's it trying to tell me Ryder?" He leans in closer to her and replies "that you're supposed to be with me" she laughs and shakes her head "you're stupid" he smirks as he places her hands on his chest and pushes him back in his seat "feisty I like it" she rolls her eyes and pulls out her phone ignoring Ryder while he continues to flirt with her I turn back to Asher and his smile fades "we're here"

his voice is low and dangerous Why is it i find that incredibly sexy

Everyone's eyes turn to me including the drivers and I look around my eyes landing on Asher as he smirks at me "I'm gonna talk like that more often" his voice low and dangerous a shiver runs down my shine at the sound of his voice "Oh shit I said that out loud?" They all nod with amusement in their eyes "Oh well" I shrug everyone turns serious again as we pull up to the building where my daughter is being held "Let's kick some arse" Ryder smirks as David parks the car we all jump out of the cars and go towards the building ready for the fight of our lives

Hey everyone merry late Christmas I know it's actaully very late but here's my gift to you all here's the next update it switches P.O.Vs alot but hey let me know if you like yeah?

So what's going to happen next do you think they will be successful in getting Lila back or will something else happen? Let me know what you think will happen next

With love

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