Showers of Pain From the Past

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My cell was once dark and cold, all the others around me screamed and cried in pain, but I couldn't. I couldn't move, eat or hardly breathe. I had no chance of escaping, I was hopeless. My little cat tail and ears shivered in the cold room that lied above and beneath me in all directions, there was no sign to light at all. Everyone who entered the room and bought me was terrifying, they all abused me and threatened to kill me from time to time. The last thing I needed was another pain inflicting human scratching there nails up against my back.

The heavy door opened to the room, the owner of the building unlocked my cage door and flung his hand to the collar of my shirt. He pulled me out and held me close to his face, I shut my eyes tightly and couldn't move.
"Listen here kitten, you'll treat this man with respect, you hear me!?" He yelled in my face, he had no time for an answer, he tossed me back into my cage and slammed my only exit closed.

I had so many questions, whose 'this man'? But soon that question was answered when a man walked into the room, from what I could see, he had silky black hair and a black suit. He looked very well put together, although it was hard to see with no light.
Whenever I was bought, my masters would always send me back here. The owner of this place would never tell me to respect my new master, so what's special about this man who may buy one of us? But then I slowly started to recognize from their talking, that the man was a famous author. For a moment I was nervous, usually people with a lot of money are very mean and harsh.

My tail hid behind me and curled underneath my legs, my short, skinny and small body shivered and shook. Everyone else around me was also starved, but weren't as small and skinny as I was. Suddenly the talking stopped, I could feel the presence of both men's eyes. The owner stood beside my cage and unlocked the entrance again, this time he grabbed me a bit lighter. I assumed it was because someone else was now watching.

I was lifted and carried out of the cage and set onto the floor with a small collar tied around my neck. I felt so overwhelmed with two tall men staring down at me, I'm very short and small for my age, which is 13. I quickly paced myself to scatter out of the room, or out of their sight. The owner tugged the leash causing me to fly backwards to his legs. I hate being a Neko, everyone underestimates me.
"Stay you slave!" He yelled looking down at me to force his voice louder in my ears. The man didn't think much of it, I suppose he expected us to be treated horribly. I was put into another small cage, it wasn't crowded like all the others I'd be put into. The cage door closed and locked in front of me, I felt a hand grab the handle above me. I finally left gravity and was picked up and carried out of that hell, I'm not exactly leaving hell though, nothing will ever get better. I scratched and licked at my ears and tail, everything was cold and I was hungry.

I was put into the front seat of a car, it looked like a very fancy car, a fancy black car. The car door slammed in front of me and terrorized me, it was normal though. I've always hated loud noises, dark rooms and water. There was clearly no chance of escaping the moving vehicle, but suddenly the cage door opened, a hand reached in and waved its fingers around gently. I curled up to the back of the cage hiding myself as much as possible.
The man peaked in at me and smiled weakly, know one has ever smiled at me before. I heard the car start to move, but why did he leave the cage open?

I slowly and unsurely wandered out of the cage as the car moved along the road. I held my head to the side of the car door, my ears vibrated as the bumpy road continued and cleared its way to the side of my face. Out of know where, something I've never felt before hit me. I felt the mans hand reach out towards me and scratch just below my ears gently. I flinched instantly and hesitated trying to pull away, I just can't trust anyone yet.

"What's your name little boy?" His voice spoke soothingly, I quickly turned to him and sat down on the seat properly. I was finally able to stretch around like a normal human boy.

"H-Hitomi.." I quietly stuttered, I knew that whenever someone asked or told me something, I had to answer right away to avoid getting beaten.
"It's nice to meet you Hitomi," he replied with a slight smile. "My name is Kinnosuke, I'd like you to call me master." He said nicely but demandingly, his voice was clear and told me what to do right away. Previous masters only let me understand the rules without letting me off easily on the first day. I didn't say anything, there was nothing I could say.

"Are you nervous?" He finally asked,
"Y-Yes.." I admitted, it was the honest truth. I didn't want to get beaten anymore, I was to used to it now. The car suddenly stopped, he retreated from the car and closed his door. The door on my side bursted open as well, his arms reached out and forced me closer to him. None of my other masters carried me before.. they would always drag me by my tail or pull me by my leash.

I was carried into a large house, it looked so fancy and huge! Master set me down on a bed upstairs and stood in front of me. My legs draped off the side and wanted to sway, I knew I'd get in trouble though. I looked up at him hoping I wasn't in for a punishment like I usually was for wandering out of my cage without permission.

"Hitomi, I know your nervous and probably very scared. But for now I'd just like to know what has happened to you in the past," he stated soothingly, surprisingly I wasn't in trouble. I stared up at him innocently.
"I-I.. have been b-beaten.. and tortured.. a-and starved.." he stopped me in mid sentence and took a step closer.

"Could you please take off your clothes, I want to see if you have any injuries."
I blushes a bit but hesitated, what am I doing, I'm going to get in trouble! "Hitomi, I said, take off your clothes." He said a bit harsher. He definitely has a good side, but also a bad side. I stopped the tears and enclosed them in my eyes, I lifted up my shirt and pulled down my pants. I slowly pulled down my boxers as well, I don't want him to see..

He stared at me all around and spun me around from time to time. "I think you look okay," he said finishing his gaze.
"What kind of things do you like and dislike Hitomi?" He asked kneeling down to match my level on the bed.
"I-I don't like water.. a-and loud noises.. a-and dark stuff.. a-and.. b-being hurt.." I said embarrassed.

"Don't worry Hitomi, I won't hurt you or torture you, all you have to do is do what I say and always call me master. Don't do or go anywhere I don't leave you permission with, okay?" He asked kindly. I slowly nodded my head in response. "Wait right here," he said leaving the room to just me. I looked around and hopped off the bed. I looked around, there was a glass alarm clock. It was fake, it was a model, but still looked shiny and nice. I reached for it and ended up tripped a bit on the dresser that held it.
The clock fell onto the floor and cracked into tiny pieces of glass. I quickly ran to the bed and hid my face ashamed and scared. Master hurried back into the room and looked at the mess I made, he kneeled down and held my shoulders tightly. He stared into my eyes and caught my attention as I held back the tears.

"Hitomi, you've broken one of the rules, you cannot leave anywhere unless I tell you to, for this you'll get a punishment." He said clearly but a bit of a harsh tone in it, I didn't want to hear that. "Turn around." He demanded once more. I quickly turned around and let a few tears drip down. I know what's coming next, he's going to whip me, or hurt me or even worse.

He spanked me on the butt and left the punishment done. T-That's it? My tears stopped as my mind still hopping I wasn't going to deserve a beating right away. He forced me to turn back around to look at him, "Apologize now," he said not completely harsh, somewhat of a nice tone.
"I'm sorry Master." I said trying to follow the rules as much as I could, he made himself clear, so just follow them clearly. I never seem to follow rules nicely to my other masters, I have to try even harder this time.

Giving up on Master ( Boyxboy )Where stories live. Discover now