Exploring this Mansion

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I looked around after waking up in the sunshine of masters bedroom. I stumbled to my feet knowing if he wasn't there, he wouldn't have known I left. I looked around his bedroom and opened a few drawers just to check what was in them, I sniffed and crawled between every corner and every opening object.
I then remembered the new clothes master let me choose from that really fancy store, I rushed to his dresser again and tugged at the bottom drawer. It revealed the cozy black t-shirt and white jeans of mine.

I quickly put them on before anyone could see me changing, not that I wasn't keeping my awareness of Master already. As I straightened my shirt, the bedroom door opened and master stared at me in disbelief.
"You stayed here, I wasn't expecting that." He said kneeling down and smiling at me, "I seen you've already gotten dressed." He said proudly patting my head like I was a dog.
I purred gently and snuggled in his lap to gain comfort and trust for once, that never happened with previous masters I had, they never let me trust them, though I wouldn't have wanted to anyways.

"M-Master..?" I started just before my tummy growled at me very loudly, i stared down at my hungry insides and hissed at my starvation, I always get hungry because I never get to eat. Master patted my stomach and picked me up to his shoulder like a baby.
"Would you like breakfast?" He asked slightly bouncing me, "Y-Yes master..!" I said smiling. I rested in his shoulder and yawned as he started to walk downstairs. I held onto his shirt tightly and wrapped my arms around him to stay attached, he lightly set me down in a chair and stood behind it and wrapped his arms in front of me and squeezed me tightly.

I scratched at his shirt to start up some kind of game, but as he hesitated, he took my hand and put his finger in between my two fingers to study my kitten nails closely. "We're going to have to cut those," he said leaning in closer. He set down my hand and softly stroked my hair.
I didn't like the thought of loosing my nails, it's the only thing I can do, is scratch furniture when I'm bored.

"D-Do you n-not trust me.. m-master?" I asked letting my words fall across each other.
"I do trust you." He said half completing my question, he kissed the top of my head and dressed into his thick jacket. I watched as he stood in front of the door and smiled at me. W-What about breakfast..?!

"W-Where.. are you go-going master?"
"I'm going to get you a present, head up to my bedroom and wait in my bed."

He opened the front door and left me alone, I smiled knowing for once someone trusted me alone. My other masters only hurt me and demanded me to wait for them somewhere uncomfortable, and then they'd make sure I went straight there before anything else, no breakfast, food, bathroom or anything while they were gone.

I figured, I might as well just have to test masters limits and rules if he's not going to tell me all of them, like using the bathroom when he's gone. I quickly ran to his room knowing I have to do what I'm told, I sat down and cuddled under his blankets. I played around with my fingers and waited hopelessly doing nothing.
My tummy growled again, it was trying to tell me something. My ears twitched and dragged me out of masters bedroom. I crept downstairs quietly and into the kitchen. Maybe just a little snack..

I looked around in the cabinets, fridge and all the drawers. But when my feet stumbled across the freezer, I stopped to pick up a huge jug of chocolate ice cream. I ran to the drawers I'd found the silverware in and grabbed a spoon to eat the delicious chocolate out of. I scooped and scooped and poured the frozen treat into my mouth swallow after swallow.
The ice cream dripped onto my shirt and pants and onto the floor as it started to melt a bit, I didn't mind, as long as Master wasn't home.

I'm not a troublesome Neko, I'm just hungry and impatient.

The ice cream drizzled onto my feet making footprints all over the floors and carpets as I explored for more food. "And n-now to clean the evidence..." I said picking up the jug and handling it back into the freezer. But what I forgot, were the footprints and mess all over the kitchen floor.

The front door opened without a warning as Master spotted the mess and rushed over to me. I hid my tail under my legs, my ears draped over the sides of my head like wet leaves. I backed away a bit as I noticed he wasn't happy.

"What's all this!?" He said picking me up by my collar and pointing to the mess of ice cream and footprints.
"N-N-No-t-t-thing m-m-"
He cut me off and threw me back down on the floor. I slid a bit on the slippery floor and made an even bigger mess as my tears slammed down on the floor. I cried out loud and covered my face trying to hide my It, I just knew he was going to kick me or do something even worse.

Master picked me up and carried me down the hall over his shoulder without a word. My tears fell onto the carpet as I was dragged into a dark room with nothing but a small pillow lied on the floor. I looked around for any light switch even though I knew I wouldn't be allowed to turn it on, I found nothing. No outlets, lamps, lights or windows.
He threw me down onto the floor and kneeled down to match my weak body on the cold and hard floor beneath me.

"I hope this teaches you not to mess around in my kitchen, or anywhere in that matter! I don't want to do this because you were so sweet in the morning, but I don't care what you say, you will do what I demand and only do that. You will stay here in the dark and wait until I say you can come out. You hear me!?"

I cried even louder and hid my face to muffle the sound, I couldn't even speak.

Giving up on Master ( Boyxboy )Where stories live. Discover now