A bit of a Beating and a Trust Worthy Heart

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I woke up in the middle of the night in masters comfortable bed. The blankets reached up to my chest and warmed me through out the night. I looked around the dark room, to my side was masters sleeping body resting aside me. My body shook uncomfortably, I hate dark rooms. I cried quietly trying not to wake up Master, for he'd be disappointed.

But I'd already done that. Master woke up because of me, it was all my fault. He leaned up and gazed upon me trying to figure out what the problem was. I wanted to hide my face, but I didn't want to get kicked out. All of my other masters always made me sleep on the rock hard cold floor, or they didn't let me sleep at all.

"What's wrong Hitomi?" He asked in a kind half asleep voice.
"I-I'm scared.." my voice shook and trembled through my throat and out my mouth, I couldn't remember how to calm down properly. He slowly wrapped his arm around me and hugged me into his chest. I finally started to calm down being by masters side, he relaxes me, I can almost trust him.

The night lasted for a long while, but soon it ended. I opened my eyes as they wandered around the room. Master was already gone, this means I have to stay here.. I'll get in trouble again if I don't obey. I sat there quietly waiting for any sign of master. I waited and waited, what if I need to go to the bathroom!?
Finally the door opened, and I hopped off the bed and rushed to Master. But then I figured, I'd get a beating, I didn't follow the rule to stay put at all times.

He hugged me tightly in his arms and smiled at me gently. He held me and hugged me with one arm, the other arm had something hid behind his back. I peaked behind him trying to get a glimpse, but every time he stood in the direction I did.
"W-What is it master?" I asked trying to sound desperate.
"I got you something," he answered holding out a collar in front of me, no, not another collar! Not the taser collar again! He clipped the collar around my neck as my body shivered, I couldn't go through the collar torture anymore. I thought he was a good man for a moment, I thought he had a good side.

He wrapped it around leaving a yellow bell in front. "Don't worry Hitomi, this collar won't hurt you, just know that you're mine forever." He said smiling, I tried accepting the part of no harm, but could I trust him?
Master wore a black suit, I reached up and felt his silky black hair with my two hands. He chuckled a bit and held me closely. Know one else ever gave me this kind of care..

"Hitomi, were going to go take a bath, then we can go get you some clothes." He said inviting me into the bathroom, for a moment I was scared. What if he makes me drown, or even worse.. kills me, or-
The door closed behind us, Master pulled down my pants a bit to see the tag. He finally pulled them down all the way and lifted up my shirt. I don't want Master to see me like this.. I don't want him knowing I have scars and bruises.

He turned on the water in the tub and looked back at me, "Do you like warm, or cold baths Hitomi?" He asked with a caring voice, "W-Warm.." I stuttered trying to avoid taking a bath at all. He unclipped my collar and set it down onto the toilet and filled up the tub with warm water and lifted up my naked and cold body, he slowly lowered me down into the water. I held onto his shoulders trying to hold back from the water,
"It's okay Hitomi," he said calming me down. He made me sit down in the water, he rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned his suit for more relaxation and comfort. If he's a famous author.. why does he need me, or any company at all? Doesn't he have people around him that like him..?

He poured some soap into his hands and scrubbed my hair and shoulders with the soap. I purred softly and scooted closer to master for more, "T-Thank you master.." i said embarrassed but a bit happy.
"Your welcome Hitomi." He answered smiling a bit, for what I know, I can trust him a bit more when he smiles. All my other masters never let me take baths, they never bought me clothes either.
His hands drifted down and washed my lower half, since I can trust him a bit more, I let him touch everywhere. My ears and tail twitched a bit every time he smiled at me or felt my bruises and scars.

Finally he drained the water and lifted me out of the tub. I held onto him to collect warmth, I didn't hug to close, he'd get wet and the only thing I'd get would be a punishment. He stroked my hair softly as a rumbling purr rolled out of my throat and leaned towards his heart. He smiled softly and gently and dried me off with a towel. I quickly dressed myself after he held them up to my arms. He clipped my collar around my neck and twisted it again until he saw the yellow little bell.
He stood up from kneeling down and offered his hand to my side, I held onto his hand tightly so that he wouldn't let go.

I'm starting to.. trust him..

Giving up on Master ( Boyxboy )Where stories live. Discover now