Soaked Face for Months

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I stayed and cried in the dark room I was trapped in, nothing moved or made a sound. All I could hear were the sounds of my cries and screams, I felt my tears drop onto my hands as I held them in front of me, everything was so dark that I couldn't even see my own body. Even with the 13 hours I'd been in there, I still wasn't used to the dark. Why can't I cry myself to sleep already!

A heavy door opened as master looked around the room trying to find me in the dark.
"Hitomi, come here." He said blankly, I could hear him trying to feel around as he lost the door. I sat up and screamed in pain, I ran around trying to get as far away from him as I could. "Hitomi, please don't be scared! Just come here now!" He said feeling around again.

I screamed as I hit a wall and squeezed my head trying to scare away the pain. I couldn't stop crying, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and then a set of arms wrap around me.

"Hitomi, please don't be scared.." I heard his voice say from behind me. He gently covered my mouth to not silence me, but to calm me down. I held onto his fingers with my two small hands barely trusting him anymore, "Hitomi, I'm so sorry.. I understand this punishment was harsh, just please don't go wandering off again. You could get hurt..," he said with sympathy.

"M-Ma-m-ma - ster.." I said trying to calm down my voice, I knew he only did this to me because I deserved it, I shouldn't have been so hungry.
"Hitomi, I'm so sorry." He said picking me up and dragging me out of the dark room.

When I finally opened my eyes we were in masters bedroom, i hid underneath the blankets and covered my face in guilt. He sat down beside me and rubbed my back gently.
"Hitomi," he said leaning in a bit and trying to comfort me. "M-Master.. I-I.." I said slowly crawling to the pillow again.

"I-I'm s-s-"

He covered my breathe and stared at me softly.
"I understand Hitomi, I'm sorry to. And I forgive you. Did you learn your lesson?"
"Y-Ye-e-es m-master.."

Giving up on Master ( Boyxboy )Where stories live. Discover now