Brewing Trouble

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They were back in the women's barracks or, as the teachers called it, the ladies dormitory. Each girl had a locker that slid like a drawer from under her narrow bed. These were identical with sheets and blankets made up to military smoothness. They might call it a dormitory but the Academy imitated old-fashioned army traditions, from the way their days started with a bugle call, to the way they ended with an enforced curfew on school nights.

Today, because of their successful mission, the headmaster was letting them stay up to celebrate. There was a buzz of excitement in the room as the nurses, search and rescue specialists, and even the prefects got ready for the party.

Cherry was going through her locker, pulling out tops and holding them up to her body. "What d'you think of this one?" she asked Bess.

"Cute." Cherry looked good in everything she wore. She had broad shoulders and a tiny waist with lots of curves.

"What are you wearing?" asked Cherry. Bess's friend lived for parties, even some in civilian territory that she had to sneak out of the Academy for. It was amazing what Cherry could get away with, once the beer started to flow and the prefects relaxed. It helped that Cherry was completely fearless as far as breaking rules was concerned.

"I hadn't really thought about it." Bess had other plans but kept them to herself. "Don't we have a debriefing?"

"Cancelled until tomorrow in honour of the party. And believe me, this mega fiesta is going to be pic worthy," said Cherry.

"Take your pictures early on. You don't want to embarrass anybody when things get crazy later."

"But that's the fun part!"

"Hmm, if you're serious about taking ugly pics, I get a nap first. There is no way I'm staying up from now until 3 AM after all that digging. Nighty night." Bess threw herself on her bunk but didn't close her eyes. She couldn't help but advise Cherry who was fussing over the choice of shoes.

"The red heels, definitely," Bess said.

She was exhausted but happy. Too many operations just recovered bodies but today they had rescued a baby, plus over thirty civilians. The remaining inhabitants had gotten out before the bombs dropped. It was miraculous. The kind of day Bess needed to get her through the bad ones. She closed her eyes and almost immediately started dreaming - until something shook her mattress.

"You can't sleep now." Cherry pulled Bess's pillow out from under her head and held it up threateningly, as if she would whack her with it.

Bess sighed but couldn't help smiling. "Maybe I should show up at the end of the party, just for the crazy part."

"Do that. Get your beauty sleep now, and then come in once the rest of us are all red-faced and sweaty from dancing. You'll make a dramatic entrance and be the prettiest girl in the room. I think I hate you already." Cherry started waltzing with Bess's pillow. "Prince Charming will see you and wonder where such a vision of loveliness came from."

The other girls in the dorm had stopped everything and started to stare.

"Alright, alright I'm getting up." Bess grabbed her bathing things and a towel. As she hit the showers, Bess planned how to execute her mission without getting herself attacked by citizen gangs, or court-martialled by the Academy. She had to give her hair two lathers and a cream rinse while she wracked her brain for a plan, but by the time she towelled off she knew what to do.

Bess went to the locker drawer under her bed and started rummaging. Selecting her oldest, most threadbare shirt and pants, she dressed quickly. No need to dry her hair. The less well-groomed she looked, the more she would blend in with the locals.

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