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Below her an engine started revving. Over the racket, Bess could barely hear Lance shout.

"Go on! Take her for a spin."

The engine caught suddenly and roared out of the barn beneath her. Through knotholes in the walls, she saw a motorbike race away, dwarfed under the massive body of the bounty hunter. Lance had shown him his motorcycle, a rare prize in difficult times. She didn't trust the cocky wave he gave Lance as he shot straight across the mowed field.

Bess watched the bike cross the field, and turn onto another country driveway that curved around towards the highway. Out of sight now, Bess could hear the engine growling up the road again. Then it stopped, close to the house.

Short ride.

Bess's ears were still unharmed by her injuries which made it possible to hear a clang and the crunch of metal on metal. A tuck engine started up now. Or a jeep.

That was it. The motorcycle must be in his truck now. Lance would never see again. Even if she and Lance could have stopped the Bounty Hunter physically, according to Lance there was a big boss with heavy firepower behind him. Lance couldn't win this fight. He must have known it when he revealed his treasure .

He had sacrificed his motorcycle to throw him off Bess's trail. She bit her lower lip. Only moments ago, she had been thinking murderous thoughts. Now, she felt her face heat up, but remained buried below the straw; partly because the bounty hunter would be back, but mostly because she deserved to stay buried under rotting hay.


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