chapter 8

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Park Eun-ji pov
When i looked to see who punches mark it was chenyeol!"chenyeol what are you doing here"?"Well I was walking by to get somthing for my mom but I heard crying".he anwered.we exchanged numbers."thank you so much but we better get bambam to the hospital".I said."your right".chenyeol said.
At the hospital
I was so nervous and scared.chenyeol  was comforting me and saying it was going to be ok."Mrs.bhuwakul"?"Yes nurse"?I anwered."we need to do a small surgery on kumpimook ,it's not a big surgery because it's just that he has a stab on his stomach,will you allow that mrs."?she said."Yes it's fine do whatever is best for him please". I anwered. I was crying in chenyeols shoulders like crazy and he didn't seem to mind."it's gonna be ok don't worry after I will get you bubble tea if you stop crying".he said."fine"I tried but my face was like about to explode in tears,and chenyeol bursting into laughter while the nurses were shushing us and would kick us out if it continued.
3 hours later
"Mrs.bhukwakul"?"yes"?kumpimook's surgery was...........
How do think bambam's surgery went?we will see in the next chapter. Im sorry it was short i didnt know what to write but i promise there will be more in the next you by readers.this is author-nim
Signing out. Bye.

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