Chapter 1

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My name is y/n and I would like to say that well I kind of hate my life because my parents fight all the time and my friends betray and well many more disturbing things.... anyways I feel like just killing myself sometimes because I feel unwanted.... that's when my best friend from pre-school comes in his name is Harry and gosh he is the best he almost always finds a way to lift me up when I'm feeling down today he wanted me to go to a party with him and I said yes because I would probably do anything to not be in this house

I was waiting for harry to pick me up in front of my house while I was waiting I was wondering who we would see at the party and who's party it actually was then I got disturbed from my thoughts when I heard a honk from a car so I looked up and saw harry standing outside of his car waiting for me and can I just say he looked kind of sexy because of what he was wearing wait no I can't say that I can't think of him like that we're only friends....

Harry's p.o.v: I had just got to her house and once I pulled up it had looked like she was thinking about something and the reason I can tell she was is because when she thinks about something she stares off into a distance and just stays still I honestly kind of find it cute and honestly I've always kind of liked her but I never told her because I feel like she doesn't like me that way but man sometimes I wish I could call her mine but here I am taking her to a party with me as a friend and she is also dressed so beautifully and I bet a bunch of guys will try to flirt with her right in front me wont this just be a lovey night.....

Hey guys Ik it's kind of bad but hey I'm trying and I really hope you guys enjoyed it please leave a comment below if you want me to continue this and once again I hope you guys enjoyed it....

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