Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize. Some quotes are from Chris Colfer's Beyond the Kingdoms and An Author's Odyssey.


Emmerich sat quietly in his seat, trying to inch away from the Masked Man. He didn't want to get too close to the dangerous and possibly psychopathic man. Luckily, he was too busy glaring at Bree to notice.

He had been cramped in the small plane for hours, and he was starting to feel sleepy but he forced himself to be awake. He also felt hungry, but the more he thought about the emptiness in his stomach, the hungrier he became until it became almost unbearable. It felt like it was deliberately torturing him.

He missed home, he missed his mother, he missed his warm bed and clean sheets. Once upon a time, Emmerich would have given anything for an adventure, but now, he would give everything just to go back home. Just thinking about his mother made tears of guilt form in his eyes.

Bree lost the staring contest, only because she noticed Emmerich was crying. The Masked Man smirked triumphantly but stopped when he noticed Bree wasn't focusing on him. He spun around and put on his evil grin, facing the child. Tears were spilling out of his eyes rapidly but he didn't seem to care. He wiped them away hastily and glared defiantly at the Masked Man.

"You monster!" he sobbed angrily. "Not only you threaten me, but you threaten my friends too! Why will you do that? Do you even have any feelings?" He went as far as to pointing at the Masked Man accusingly. "Ich..." Emmerich gulped, then screamed loudly, "Ich hasse Sie! (I hate you!)"

Emmerich's scream echoed around the plane. As the echo faded, the message sunk in. Bree and Cornelia, who knew a bit German, understood. The Masked Man was surprised that the kid was yelling at him in a foreign language, but he knew from his tone that the message was offensive. The whole plane was eerily silent after Emmerich's outburst. The only sound was Emmerich's sniffs, and he was glaring at the Masked Man through his tears.

The Masked Man's face darkened, Emmerich continued to glare at him but the expression in his eyes quickly changed to fear as the Masked Man raised an arm.

"HEY!" Bree yelled, but she was too late.


Emmerich stared at the Masked Man in shock as his hand slowly travelled up to his cheek, gingerly massaging the red mark. The Masked Man shook his hand as if it was something he did everyday.

Something snapped inside Bree. Instinctively, she tore her seat belt off and lunged for the Masked Man like a tiger pouncing on prey. She lost any logical thoughts she used to have. She screamed, "You son of a-" but then she cut herself off, as she didn't want to expose any rude language to Emmerich, so she punched his face as hard as she could.

It didn't hit his nose as she hoped, but it hit the side of his face. Less than a second later, the Masked Man retaliated, pushing Bree. They continued to wrestle in the middle of the plane, making it rock dangerously.

"You jerk!" Bree hollered, choosing to say the most offensive things she could without cursing. "You spawn of Satan! You miserable excuse for a human!"

"Stop it!" Cornelia yelled, eyebrows furrowed. She was having an even harder time controlling the plane as she jerked the controls. Emmerich stared at them, wide eyed. This wasn't the Bree he knew- this was something different, more feral, more violent. Then he remembered Bree was fighting because of him.

Bree pushed the Masked Man back, spun around and jabbed her elbow in his gut. Her long blonde hair whipped the Masked Man in the face. He saw her hair and grabbed a fistful of it, yanking it. Bree yelped and kicked his chest, trying to free her hair from his grasp. As the two struggled, she saw the gun peeking out of his sling. She tried to reach it, but the Masked Man saw what she wanted, and pinned her to the floor.

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