Schizophrenic Sister

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Kinli Isabella Brooke. 13.

Most people call me Kinli or Kin, except when I'm upset, my brothers will sometimes call me Bell or Bella. I'm definitely not your average 13 year old. I'm schizophrenic and I'm bipolar, and I have serious anxiety. I'm not stable enough to go to school, so I take an online program. Your average 13 year old is in 7th grade, but since I can move at my own pace I can do as much work as I want to. I actually like to learn, so I'm currently 2 grades ahead of where I should be, taking 9th grade classes. I generally don't leave my room for much - my mom will bring up my food if I don't want to eat downstairs. Because of this, I have an extremely nice room. I have an Apple TV, and a big comfy Temperpedic bed. I also have a connecting bathroom, walk in closet, etc. My MacBook laptop is my baby - that and my iPhone 5. Even though I don't leave my room much, I have really good style, because I have an Instagram page where I take pictures of my outfit each day against a plain wall, and the camera I use never moved, and my body is in the same place, so it looks really professional. I cut off my head though, or put my hands over my face, because I'm pretty self conscious. Some of the voices in my head are nice, but most are really mean. I'm extremely skinny, but I don't consider myself anorexic. Some might, but I don't. I am also addicted to Twitter and Tumblr - I have 3 Tumblr accounts - 5secondsofsuper, which has 9,481 followers, pineapple-juliet, which has 12,862 followers, and sammykinz.apocalypse, which has 21,837 followers. My Twitter, which I'm not AS into, @5secondsofshules, if for 5SOS and Psych, because most supernatural fans are only on Tumblr. Anyway, that account has 16,412 followers. Last but not least, the outfit Instagram has 834k followers, so I assume I'm doing well, but none of them actually know who I am. I just put my first name - Kinli Tate. I leave off the Hadley Brooke, because of this next thing I'm about to tell you - I'm the youngest in a family of celebrities. I know, you've never heard of me. Well, my mothers name is Jennifer, and my dads name is Ben. They are both actors. Then I have some brothers - 5 to be exact. There names are Channing, who is 23, Taylor, who is 21, Zac, who is 20, and Harry and Justin, who are 18. So why have you never heard of me if my brothers are practically the most famous guys on earth? Because I'm a secret - nobody has heard of me. I don't really like to mingle, much less get stalked, so they haven't told anyone. I'm also afraid they'll hate me because of my past. And by anyone, I literally mean anyone. Justin has a girlfriend, Selena, who doesn't know I exist. Jake has this best friend, Rob, who doesn't know I exist. Harry has a band, One Direction, and they don't know I exist. My room is off limits when guests come - its in a corner, so nobody comes back here anyway. It's not like it's too hard to hide me - the only times I ever leave my room are when I go out back to the creek to go on walks, or when I go to gymnastics. Yah, I'm a gymnast. I have been since I was 3, and I absolutely love it. My gym is on the other side of the creek, through the woods, so sometimes I walk. That's where all of my friends are - at my gym. My best friends name is Nathan, and he's 15 - 2 years older than me. But I'm mature for my age, so it works. He's on my team, but obviously the boy half. Our team has 3 girls and 5 boys, because we take the best 8 on our Elite Team. Elite is what's above Level 10. Anyway, the other kids on my team are Jackson, who's 16, Natalie, and Kurt, who are 17, and Elizabeth, Liam, and Johnny, who are 18. I'm probably next closest to Johnny, and I'm equally close to the girls. They all know about my situation - all of it. Well, except my social networking addiction because its not that important. They know I have one, but don't bother to find me on the Internet. They are my best friends; I'm friends with other kids at the gym, but they don't know about my family, my conditions, any of it. Anyway, the only time it's really hard for my family to hide me is when we have company over and I have an...episode. Sometimes the voices in my head get to be too much, and I just lose it, or I forget they aren't really there and I start to scream at them, or I'll scream accidentally in my sleep. Somehow they always manage to cover, but lord knows how. 


So ya, I basically take a bunch of famous people and cram them all into one family. And I actually don't know much about gymnastics or schizophrenia, but I try to research it some instead of making up complete crap. And you'll find out why Kinli has all these problems later.

and by the way, YOUNG bella thorne plays kinli, not as she is now, but like she is in the cover picture

- Bell

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