Chapter 5

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Practice sucked. I couldn't stop thinking about this morning. I bolted upstairs, and within a matter of seconds Zac came  to join me in my room. "They all know." I said quietly. "And that's ok! They needed to find out eventually, right?" I shrugged and said "I guess. Zac, they aren't going to like me."

He sat down on my bed and grabbed my hands and said "No, they're going to love you." And I quickly rebutted "They'll think I'm weird! I am weird. They're all so perfect and gorgeous and talented and I'm just weird. I'm crazy. They'll be afraid of me."

He shook his head no and said "Kinli, don't ever say that. They'll love you, I swear! They'll absolutely love you. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise." I knew he was referring to the voices. "Do you want to go talk to them?" I shook my head no and said "I just want to watch Psych."


I'm not kidding when I say that show puts her in a better mood. "Why don't you meet me in the theatre room and I'll go get some popcorn, ok?" She smiled and said "Ok." And grabbed her blanket and left, while I went downstairs to get popcorn, her a Dr. Pepper, and me a coke.

"Where is Kinli?" Taylor asked, and I replied "She doesn't really want to talk, she's not exactly in the greatest mood, so we're going to watch some Psych in the theatre room." He nodded and Robert asked "Does she love Psych or something?" And Channing said "Yah, it's pretty much her favorite show. It can put her in a good mood too."

"Im pretty good friends with Maggie and James, 2 of the main characters. I have there phone numbers if she wants to call them." Our friend Josh said. I glanced at Channing and said "I'll ask her and shoot you a text if she says yes." Then the popcorn was done and I went upstairs. Kinli already had picked out the episode and had it paused at the very start, waiting for me.

"American Duos! What a classic!" I said, and she laughed as I wrapped my arm around her. "So Kinli, you know my friend Josh?" She nodded and I continued "Well, he is friends with 2 of the people on this show." She immediately launched into guessing, turning to face me completely.

"James? Dule? Maggie? Timothy?" I cut her off and laughed, saying "Calm Kinli, calm." She giggled and I said "She said she's friends with James and Maggie. Which 2 are they?" She practically lit up like a Christmas tree as she exclaimed "Thats Shawn and Juliet! I completely ship Shules, it's always all over my newsfeed on Tumblr and oh my god wait till I tell everyone!"

I grinned and continued "He wants to know if you want to call them. He can come up here in a few minutes or we can go down there now and he'll let you call them since he has there numbers." She looked completely shocked.

"Is this even real?" She asked. I laughed and I bet I was smiling just as big as her - I'm not kidding when I say that I haven't seen her this happy in months. "Lets go now? Can we please?" I laughed and and she ran out of the room and down the stairs, and I had to actually try to keep up with her.

"So, she said yes." I laughed, as a very eager Kinli stood in the kitchen, looking at Josh. "Wanna talk to James and Maggie eh? They're probably on set, you can probably chat with all of them." He said casually, and Kin grinned from ear to ear.


Josh then took out his phone and said "Lets try James, he's more likely to answer...alright, it's ringing."

My heart was beating a mile a minute as all my brothers friends stared at me. I hardly even cared though: I was about to talk to the stars of one of my 2 favorite TV shows. (The other OBVIOUSLY being Supernatural). "Hey man! It's Josh. You on set? Awesome. Well I'm here with... A friend of mines little sister, and normally I wouldn't call for something like this, but she is literally obsessed with Psych, she wants to talk to the crew...ya yah I remember! Yah. Haha ah she was though! Yah. Anyway, her name is Kinli. Ok, here she is." And then he handed me the phone, and I reached a shaky hand out to take it.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver, and James Roday said to me, Kinli Isabella Brooke, "Hey Kinli! How goes it?" I grinned a HUGE grin and said "Amazing! I can't believe that I'm on the phone with you." He laughed and said "Believe it! I hear you like Psych!" I smiled and said "Yah, Psych is my favorite thing to watch with I'm upset, it always makes me so happy." He said back "I'm glad to hear it. So you wanna talk to Maggie or Dule?" I grinned and said "Yah!" He put them both on, and I got to talk to all of them. Then I asked James to say 'Gus, don't half of an 11 pound Black Forest ham', and 'wait for it'.

When we had hung up I gave the phone back to Josh, completely overjoyed, and a voice said 'Why didn't you tell them they saved your life?' It was one of the nice voices for a change, and it was the one voice I actually considered to be a friend. She called herself Allison, and she asked me in a soft voice. I couldn't answer though, not in front of all my brothers friends. I think Justin noticed something, but I shrugged it off and looked at Josh and said "Thank you so much."

He smiled and said "Don't mention it. What do you love about that show anyway?" I looked down and said "It makes me happy even when I'm...upset." Carefully choosing my words. Then I looked around at everyone's worried, curious expressions, realized I shouldn't have said that so mysteriously, and slowly turned around without a goodbye to go upstairs.

I went up to my room and worked on some schoolwork until 6:30, when Justin came in and said "Kin, you want to come have dinner?" I shook no and he said "Well then I'll bring you up a plate and your pills, alright? How are you feeling?"

I shrugged - I was thrilled about James Maggie and Dule, but it was hard to be happy with this new medication. "Do I have to finish this trial?" I asked him, and he said "I think so, but your on day 3 right? Only one more week and your done, you can tell them it didn't work and switch back." I nodded and he left.


"She's just gonna eat upstairs. She's not happy with this trial medication." I told the boys. Channing shook his head and said "I know, I wish she didn't have to finish." 


Justin brought me up food and medication, which I barely touched before falling asleep.


sorry if you don't know what psych is, but these were all just characters from that show, and quotes. but you should seriously watch it if you don't - its on USA :)


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