Chapter 18

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“Kinli, we’re here.” Harry said, lightly shaking my arm. I was fully aware that we were here, but I was frozen in my seat. Why on earth was I doing this? The only reason my dad wanted to meet me was because he was starting to realize how much prison sucked, that he was going to be in there for his whole life, and he was hoping for a shortened sentence. Why was I doing this to myself? But somehow I unfroze myself from the seat and slowly followed Harry out of the the car.

Channing Josh and Zac had parked right next to us and were now walking in with us, and when we got in there were 2 prison guards and 2 official looking police office/detective/attorney type people, one of whom immediately looked at my mom and said “Ms Brooke?”

My mom nodded, and then the lady looked down at me and said “And is this Kinli?” I nodded, trying to keep my hands from shaking, and she gave me a grim smile. “Alright, well if you guys could just follow me that would be great.” So we followed her down to a small room, and they said “Alright, Ms Brooke, we are just going to need you to sign a few things.”

They went through some paperwork with my mom while my brothers and I sat in chairs scattered around the room. Mine was in between Harry and Channing. I could feel their’s and my other brothers eyes on me, but I just kept mine glued to the floor, focusing on blocking out everything going on around me. One thing I heard, however, made me tune back in.

“So you guys are going to go in with her?” The attorney asked, and my mom said “Yes, of course.” I snapped my head up and said “No.” Everyone looked at me, and my mom said “Kinli, this isn’t going to work unless we go in with you.” and Harry added “You don’t really want to do this alone Bell.” I shook my head no and said “I’m not doing it unless it’s alone. I want to talk to him alone. I’m sure.”

My family looked stunned, and the attorney said “She can go in alone with you’re permission, Ms Brooke.” My brothers were giving my mom dagger eyes not to let me do it, and I was giving her dagger eyes to let me. “Kinli…” she said, obviously torn, and I said “If you don’t let me, I refuse to see him. I need to see him.” Partially trying to convince her, but more trying to convince myself.

“God Kinli…fine.”

This is usually where I would have triumphantly smiled and stuck my tongue out at my brothers, but I just solemnly nodded and resumed staring at the ground. “Kinli, you don’t have to do this alone.” Channing said, and I replied “He won’t say what he really wants to say if you’re there. I want to do this alone.”

Apparently this thought hadn’t crossed my brothers’ minds, because this made them even more mad. “Mom, seriously, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Harry said immediately after my comment, after learning my true motives. I wanted to know exactly what this guy thought of me - or, so I had decided in the past few minutes. “You already said I could.” I quickly added in before she could reply, and the attorney stood up and said “And you also already signed the paperwork. The faster we get this started, the faster Kinli can be out.” I stood up too, my brothers following my lead, and I then followed the attorneys and the gaurds out of the room.

We stopped outside of a medium sized room with a huge glass window looking in. The room was seperated into 2 parts - each side identical, but one had a door leading to the place visitors came in, and the other side had a door leading back to prison cells. I could see my stepdad sitting on the other side of the room, and I could see the glass wall that would seperate us, and the tiny holes in the glass that would allow us to communicate.

“He can’t see us, but we can see him. We’ll be able to see you, but not hear you. Are you ready?” I nodded, and she said “Alright, you can leave at any time you want. If you’re in there for too long we’ll come get you.” I nodded again, just ready to get this overwith. “Kinli, are you sure you want to do this?” Zac asked, and I nodded, reaching for the door handle and walking in, quickly shutting it behind myself before I could change my mind. 

My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I took a deep breath before turning to see him staring back at me, eyes wide, and then he spoke.



Holy shit that was short. And holy shit I haven't updated in forever. Ok so I have the next chapter already written, and it was all gonna be one long(ish) chapter, but this just seemed like such a good place to end a chapter, ya know what I mean? Ok, so I'll post the other part suuuuuper soon, and if I'm taking too long don't hesitate to comment ;) this time I'll actually answer holy shit I'm such an ASSHOLE!!

p.s. I'm gonna post the first chapter of what could be another book, and like this one I have a lot of it prewritten. I'm still choosing between 2 though - one of them has the same family as this one, and they tell the main character (named Kinli again, haha) that she they're all moving to be closer to LA. The other one is a different family, but it has everyone that is in this one in it. It's about the main character, Hadley's, parents dying, but its a lot more than that? idk, just comment which one you want me to post an intro to, or if you even want me to post it at all! thanks guys!


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