Chapter 13

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When I woke up Harry was already awake, and he was playing on Twitter on his phone. "Morning Kin." He said as I rolled over and sat up, yawning. He then locked his phone and put it down before turning to face me. "Remember how you were going to meet the boys this weekend? Do you still want to meet them?" He asked in a hopeful voice.

My heart practically leaped out of my chest and I said "I...uh, I - I..." I stuttered. I knew how much it meant to Harry, but he would be really upset when his friends didn't like me, and that option seemed even worse. "Don't worry Bella, it's fine if you don't want to."

A tear rolled down my cheek and I wrung my hands together as I said "Im so sorry Harry, I'll meet them if you want me to-" and he cut me off and said "It's ok. If your not comfortable with it we won't do it, it's fine, you don't need to apologize."

I nodded and let it go, but I felt so bad. I was looking forward to meeting Harry's band, his best friends, for the first time, but Harry was even more excited because he wouldn't have to check and make sure I was hidden before bringing them over, or constantly be nervous about me being seen. On the other hand, they were bound to hate me, and that would suck even worse. What if they were like my dad, what if they hit me? I was too afraid of the 'what ifs'.

Harry and I went downstairs after that, and it was 9:00 when we went down. "Kin, I made you a doctor appointment for 10:00 to get your bruise checked out, alright?" Mom said, quite obviously trying to make it sound casual to avoid upsetting me. It didn't work, and I was immediately super nervous.

"You ok Kin?" Taylor whispered from next to me at the table, and I tried to just nod yes and hold back tears. He rubbed my back while mom brought me eggs.


"Kinli Brooke." The doctor called as Channing and Harry took me into the waiting room. Mom would have come except if she was spotted everyone would know the chicken pox / flu / whatever virus they made up thing was a lie. Channing took my hand as we walked followed the nurse in through the door and down the hallway.

"Right this way." She said before havin me get on a scale up against a wall. "4'2" and 64 pounds." She said while jotting a bunch of things down on her notepad. Then she led us to a room and told us the doctor would be in soon. "So far so good." Channing said smiling, and I sat on the table nervously as we waited for the doctor. When the door opened I flinched, and Zac (who was standing next to me) noticed and tried to comfort me by rubbing my hand.

"Hello Kinli, I'm Doctor Hill, how are you feeling?" I whispered, almost inaudible, "Ok." She put her laptop down and said "First things first, she's a good 4 pounds underweight which generally isn't huge, except I understand most of that is muscle and very little is fat, so we should probably work on that. So we are here to get a bruise checked out, correct?"

Channing nodded and said "Ya, it's on her ribs." The doctor took a step toward me, making me flinch, and she asked "Can I see it?" Zac gently lifted up my shirt for me, revealing the bruise on my side. The doctor ran her finger over it and I flinched again, my eyes filled with tears. "Sorry sweetie." She said, writing something down.

"The rib doesn't seem broken, but that is one of the worst bruises I've seen in a while. Just ice it for about an hour a day for the next few days, break up the hour over the course of the day, and I'll prescribe some pain medication, and then you should be good to go. Oh, and I got an email from a psychologist regarding other medication?" Channing nodded and said "PTSD and Anxiety."

The doctor nodded and jotted something down, and then said "Ok, you can pick these up at your local CVS in about an hour, and you are free to go!" I was relieved as she left and we followed her, me holding Zacs hand. I quickly wiped the tears I had been trying to hold in, and when we got out Channing asked "You ok?" I shook my head and said "I don't know."


sorry this is so INSANELY short, but its the end of the flashback, so it was a good place to stop:)

do you like it? should I keep going? im almost out of prewritten stuff, should i start writing more?


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