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Mitch's point of view

I woke up feeling a little bit sick. I walked down to the kitchen and cooked me and Scott some eggs and bacon. Scott walked down the stairs and wrapped his arms around my waist. I flipped the bacon and plated the eggs waiting for the bacon to be done. I turned around and gave scott a big kiss. I had this feeling I hadn't seen him in like a week.

''I love you.'' I said to him as if I'm never gonna see him again.

''I love you to baby.'' I turned around and plated the bacon besides the eggs and sat them on the counter.

"Scott can we eat on the couch today?"

"Why not" Scott said with a smile
Scott sat down on the couch me sitting on his lap shortly after.
We ate our breakfast in peace. Right after I was done eating I broke out into a cold sweat and felt light-headed, kind of like that feeling you get when your about to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet throwing up everything I just ate.
I'm pregnant.
How do I tell Scott? How is pentatonix supposed to hide this from there fans?

I had to tell Scott but I don't know for sure if I am.
"Scott can we go to the store?" I asked as he ran into the bathroom to make sure I'm ok.

"What do we need?"

"Scott I think we're pregnant."I said to him. He looked at me and smiled. "Well than, let's go get that pregnancy test" he said excitedly. "Let me at least brush my teeth before we go I literally just threw up my guts" Scott laughed and said 'ok'
We walked into the convenience store and purchased a first response pregnancy test. When we drove home I peed into the cup and waited for the response......

One line.


Your kidding! I started to cry I sobbed sob after sob as Scott walked into the bathroom. "Why are you crying babe? It's positive right?" I handed him the cup and he look at the answer and twisted his face in sadness trying not to cry. He simply walked out the room.


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