First day of school

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I awoke to my alarm clock that was set for 6:30. I was dreading going to this high school. I heard rumors that there was a lot of bully's and I'm prone to being bullied. I got out of bed and got dressed in a dark blue button up dress shirt, brown pants with suspenders, a yellow bow tie and my favorite pinkish reddish sweater. I walked out of my room and down stairs to see my younger brother, Ciel, and my aunt red eating breakfast. "Hey sebby, come eat" Ciel said with a smile and waved me over. "I wish I could but I'll be late for school if I do" I said and patted him on the head. Me and aunt red walked out the door and in to the car, me in the passenger seat and her driving. The ride was actually really short, like short enough for me to walk the distance. When we got there she kissed me on the  head  " have a great day sweetie" she said and I nodded giving her a big smile. I left the car, shutting the door behind me. I walked in the school with a big smile on my face.

As I walk into school I see some people laughing, pointing, and staring at me but I didn't care. When I got in the School I went straight to get  my schedule. Advanced math first. I walked to my locker and put in the combination that was on the card I got with my schedule, put some of my things in and walked to my first class. All I took as a pen and a notebook. Thats all I really need for the first day of school. I got in the classroom and sat down in the middle of the room in a science table thing that two people can sit at. There was a few people in there already. I sat there awaiting the teacher when I saw a boy walk in he had on a red shirt, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black fingerless gloves. His hair was about as long as mine and jet black. He looked around the room and smirked when his eyes got to me. He looked mean and I was praying that he wouldn't sit by me but he did. Something told me i just got a bully on my first day if school.

When the teacher walked in everyone took there seats. The teacher introduced himself, he told us to call him mr. Spears. The class wasn't that bad we introduce are selves mostly. Sense I was in middle of the room it was soon my turn. I stood up and told them my name was Sebastian and the middle school I went to. The boy next to me smirked when he heard my name. It was his turn next so he stood up and told us his name. "Claude" was all he said. He had a deep handsome voice, unlike mine thats was constantly cracking, his voice also sounded kinda bummed but what should I expect coming from a guy like that on the first day of school. The teacher looked at him expecting him to tell us the middle school he went to but he didn't say anything else. After a minute to give Claude a chance to speak if he wanted to, he averted his eye to the next student to introduced themselves.

Claude really didn't do much to me besides shake the table when I was writing and throw papers at me. The only thing that got me mad is when he pulled my hair. I didn't mind being bullied because it's been happening all my life but I couldn't stand people pulling my hair. The first time I felt a pull I just clenched my teeth but the second time he pulled my hair I turned around and smacked him. Not very hard but my hand still came in harsh contact with his face. He looks surprised but then he smirked bringing his hand to his hurt cheek. I turned quickly back to the position I was in before that incident, glad that nobody saw that I smacked him.

When class is over I practically ran to get out of the classroom. I didn't want Claude to catch up with me, I thought he might do something mean to me because I smacked him. I walked to my next classroom, language arts, and sat down in front. I thought if Claude would be in this class to he probably wouldn't want to sit in the front so I would be okay. When I got in there and class started I was relieved to see that Claude wasn't in that class. The teacher came in and told us to call him, er I think he was of him, Mrs. Sutcliff. I guess it is a girl not a guy. The class went by fairly quickly, as it was the same thing that happened on the other class. We introduced ourselves and she told us all the rules. Once class was over I walked out of the class room and went to my next class, I have one more class before lunch since I have lunch A.

The next class went by quickly and before I knew it over. I walked to my locker and got out the stuff I needed for the rest of the day putting the stuff back that I had before. Then I walk to the lunch room. I sat down in the back of the room at a table where no one was at. I pulled out my notebook and started to draw. Suddenly I felt large shake on the table and looked up, it was Claude and another boy with White hair who looked older than Claude and me. "So you think you can just slap me and get away with it" Claude said with a smirk. I flinched thinking he was going to hit me but he didn't. He and the white haired boy sat next to me. Claude then took a large chunk of my hair in his hand and started pulling it. He stood up making me feel the pulling sensation, instinctively making me stand up. I could feel warm tears falling down my cheeks. With his hand still gripping my hair he tugged me over to the wall. He then let go of my hair. Him and the white haired boy just walked away laughing. I curled up and put my head on my knees. I cried still leaning on the wall in the back the room.

I looked up to see someone on my right patting my head, it was a boy with blond hair and pink hair clips pinning his bangs back. "are you okay?" The unknown boy asked. I nodded slowly. I looked over to my left to see a girl with pink hair with glasses and another boy who looked older with dirty blond hair. They all looked genuinely concerned. The girl with pink hair stood up and extended her arm out to me. I took her hand as she help me up "thank you" I said in a hushed tone, blushing of embarrassment. "Those guy, ash and Claude, are really mean aren't they. Oi I'm mey-rin, this is Finny, he's in 9th grade like you and me" she said pointing towards the younger blonde" and I'm bard, 11th grade" The boy with dirty blonde hair said finishing mey-rings sentence . "I'm Sebastian, nice to meet you" I said to them with a smile. We sat down and ate. As we talked I felt much happier almost forgetting the events that just happened. Soon lunch was over I waved them goodbye as I headed over to my next class.

Nerd with a bully boyfriend (nerd sebby X bully Claude)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat