Claude is acting strange

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I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. it took me awhile but in about 30 minutes I was back to sleep.

~time skip to the morning~

I woke up to my alarm clock. I was dreading going to school and it was only the second day. I really didn't want to see Claude. I got up and went down stairs. I grabbed a granola bar and went upstairs to get dressed for the day. I heard aunt reds horn on her car and went down stairs and outside.

I opened the car door and sat in the car. The ride was silent, aunt red seeing i really didn't want to talk. when we got to the school aunt red kissed my head and I got out of the car. I walked into the school. I was ignoring everything around me, zoning everything around me out. Suddenly I bumped in to something. I looked up and it was the person I wanted to see the least of today, Claude. "s-sorry" I said trying not to start anything and trying to walk away. He didn't let me though, he grabbed my arm and held onto it tight. " your coming with me right now" he said. I tried to get away but he held my arm like it was his life. He dragged me into what looked like the janitors closet. He pulled both of us in and locked the door behind him. There was an uncomfortable silence until I broke it. "Aren't we not along to be in here?" He gave me stern look "look, work. I don't like you and I'm not going to catch you anymore. Where not friends and don't act like we are. And if you tell any of my friends what happened I'm going to punch your face in. got it" I nodded and smiled a bit. He was embarrassed and his face showed it. I feel like he isn't as bad as he makes himself out to be. I was going to say something but I was wimp and way to scared to do so. "What are you smiling about!?" He whisper shouted. I shook my head "nothing" He just walked out. I was frozen, I couldn't move. I stayed there for about 5 minutes until I heard the bell ring. I snapped out of it and went to my first class. It was only the warning bell so I wasn't late to class.

i walked into the classroom. i still had about 2 minutes until class officially started but everyone was there. I looked around for a seat. The only open one was right next to Claude. I gulped and sat next to him. Honestly I was a bit glad, I want to get to know him better. He just ignored me at first until he got bored and started blowing spit balls at me. I ignored them and he started getting mad and spiting them harder at me. I just let him get mad. When the bell rang I just walked out and went to my next class.

~time skip brought to you by Claudes spit balls~

It was lunch and I sat at the table I usually sit at. i sat at the table by the wall waiting for my friends. I looked down at my lunch and felt people siting at my table. i looked up to see claude. "sup dork" Claude said as he sat down. "what do you want" I said but it came out a bit more rood then I intended it to. "I want to sit here"he said. "I thought you didn't like me, and shouldn't you be with your friends?" I asked a bit nicer than before actually wondering what he was going to say in responce. "well I wound but I got kicked out of my friend group because I got caught talking to you in the closet and they dont want me hanging around them" he said simply. "what, they just stopped being your friend because of me?" I asked much more sympathetically. He just nodded. I guess even bully's kick out there own kind. I wasn't all about that so I just let him sit wherever he wanted "so why are you sitting with me" I asked questionable. "simple, I like you" he said, it was strange. he was being so casual. "your kidding right" I asked. he just shook his head no. "well where going to be around each other a lot so we should become good friends" the calm expression never left his face. I, on the other hand was shocked. I didn't know what to think.

soon mey-rin, finny and bard came over with a questionable looks on there faces seeing Claude. "w-what it Claude doing here" mey-rin finally said. "uh, well hes part of are group now i guess" they gave me a weird look. "okay?" finny said sitting down. soon bard and mey-rin both sat down too. the table had an awkward silence until i broke it "so, what are you guys doing after school" i asked trying to make things less awkward. "I have art club" mey-rin said with a dorky smile. "I have cooking club" bard said calmly. "That's good, what about you Finny" I ask turning towards the little blond. "Oh I have work at a fast food place" he said smiling. All three of them seemed to be happy all the time. They probably weren't, I mean I dont know there whole story. And I want goingmto assume something like there pasts. I just nodded and told them I have work with Claude. The entire lunch Claude didn't speak to anyone else but me. Even the in a low whisper that only I could hear. I thought he would be a more talkative person but I guess not. Soon the bell rang telling us the period is over.

Nerd with a bully boyfriend (nerd sebby X bully Claude)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat