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Schools was now over. I didn't have any run-ins with Claude the rest of the day so that's good. I went to my locker putting my stuff back in and got out my book bag. I walked down the hall and out of building . I walk down the Street heading towards the bakery I work at. The walk was quiet, besides the exceptional birds and the sounds to my shoes hitting the pavement as I walked. When I got to the bakery, my manager greeted me with a smile as he told me what to do for the day.

I started working, a few customers came and went as I was in the back making cakes, going Tom the front every once in a while to take orders. I heard a ring at the door and said what I always say "welcome to princess bakery" with a big smile. I looked up to see the person that was there... CLAUDE!! I started panicking not knowing what he was going to do to me. He walked up to me with a smirk "hey, Sebastian Right?" All I could do was slowly nod. "W-what are you doing here" I asked nervously. "I work here, starting today" my manager came out of the back room "oh ya did I forget to tell you, Claude will be working with you from now on. I trust you that you can teach him what to do" I nodded. Claudes face went blank "sooo, what should I do" he asked acting very casual around me. I showed him how to work the cash register, keeping distance from him, then went back into the back room to make more sweets. I was kinda afraid of Claude, but there is no way I would tell him that.

I walked out carrying a cake in one hand and a tray of scones in the other. I was going to put them in the glass case out front by Claude. I was planning to just go out there put them in the case and avoid Claude. I opened the door from the kitchen to the back of the front counter. Claude didn't seem to care or even look back at me. I sighed in relief and opened the counter lock, opened the glass, and put the sweets in. I was heading back to the back when I slipped on some icing and was falling. I slammed my eyes shut preparing for the impact but it never came. When I looked up Claude had caught me. When he saw I was okay he practically threw me up. "Be careful, next time I won't ketch you" Claude said getting back to work "t-thank you" I said and left. I could feel that my face was hot. Why did he ketch me...why was he so nice. I stopped thinking about it and started baking again.

~time skip brought to you by Sebastian's yummy cakes~

I was about to leave work so I hung up my apron and put on my jacket. It got kinda of chilly at night and I am really sensitive to the cold. As I walked out I could feel claudes cold eyes on my back the whole way to the door. Slowly I got out of there and left to go home but I couldn't stop thinking about Claude. Thinking about him made be blush and I don't know why.

Claudes POV

I watched as that nerdy boy Sebastian, er I think that's his name, left. And somewhat I felt relieved. When he fell earlier I caught him out of instinct. I figured out that he is annoying and fun to pick on in the first day of meeting him. He fits this part very good. The bully picks on the nerds. And I'm the bully. I didn't mean to help him I should of just let him fall.

I walk out of work and began head home.

Sebastian's POV

When I got home I went straight to my room. Mt family offered me dinner but I wasn't in the mood for food. I layer down in my bed thinking but I soon fell asleep.

~Sebastian's dream~

I walked up to the lunch table and got out my lunch. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a stick of poky sticking towards me. I took it in my mouth, seeing the other side had Claude at the end. We got closer ans closer and closer until are lips where about to touch. And then we-

~end of dream~

I woke up panting...what was that? I could feel my face all hot but I had to go back to sleep. It was only one in the morning if I didn't go back to sleep I would regret it in the morning when I had to wake up for school.

Nerd with a bully boyfriend (nerd sebby X bully Claude)Where stories live. Discover now