Fights & Nightmares

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A/N- Before we get started. This story was requested from my friend Shane, He is a very good writer and if you want(ayyye that Set It Off pun tho) to check out his profile his acc is @Shaney_Bot

So this one is for you Shane.

(Also in this we are gonna pretend Ron didn't get killed.)



It was a few weeks since Ron had shot my eye out and I had forgiven him. We were walking in the forest in silence when I spoke up.

"So you talk to Enid?" I ask

"Nope, I honestly don't care for her anymore." He answers

"How could you say that?" I question

"She's not my problem anymore." He comments

"Listen, just because she ain't with you anymore doesnt mean you gotta be like that. She still cares for you. And you should care for her." I explain

"Bullshit. That's a bunch of bullshit. She doesn't give a fuck about either of us. I don't care about her either. I hope they catch her and kill her. She is a bitch. I wish you would just leave too to be honest." He snaps

"What did I do!?" I ask

"We were all fine. I was fine. Til you came along. You and your piece of shit father came in and ruined everything." He says

"I didn't do shit! You about us all killed by walkers. Trying to kill me. I mean hell. You shot me in the fucking eye" I belt

"I didn't mean to! You know that!" He shouts

"Well fuck! I didn't mean to raise hell when I came here! I mean you didn't bother to fucking thank me for saving you!" I argue

"Whatever! You don't give a shit about the fact I'm left with no one! I mean you don't have to be like that!" He yells

"I do care! I never said I didn't!" I shout

"You're no different from your father! Hell you're probably as bad as that one guy. Shane!" He belts

"I'm not as bad as him!" I shout

"You're right! You're worse! He probably didn't kill his mother like you did!" He barks

I push him to the ground. He got back up and pushed me. We had yet another push fight but this time he won.

"You're an asshole! And a killer! You're the reason so many fucking people are dead!" He growls

"Fuck you! I mean you wanted to kill my fucking father!" I yell getting up

"You think I'm an asshole! I was welcoming when we first met! Then you killed someone right fucking in front of me! I wanted to be your friend! I offered you so much fucking stuff! I offered you so much Carl! You can't even be thankful for that! You are a selfish little bitch! I wish I never fucking met you! You're a fucking murderer! You're a freak!" He shouts

This hurt. And without thinking.

"I think you're family chose to die because of the way you are. They didn't want to live with an asshole!" I blurtted

I looked up and saw tears flowing down his cheeks.

"R-Ron! I didn't mean t-"

"Shut up!" He interrupts running off.

What have I done!? Oh my what have I done!? I didn't mean that!  What was I thinking!?


How!? how could he say such a thing!? Maybe's he's right.... He is. I mean who would want me. I''m nothing. I am nothing. I will always be nothing.

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