Pickup Lines

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Plot; Austin annoys the hell out of Chandler with pickup lines.



Chandler was sitting on the couch playing on his phone when Austin came up to him.

"Hey Chan??" He asked

"Hm?" Chandler replied

"Can I use a pickup line on you?" Austin asked

"Sure, only one. I hate pickup lines. They get to be annoying" Chandler answered

"Would you rather eat a ton of bricks or thematterbaby?" Austin questioned

"What's thematterbaby?" Chandler asked

"Nothing sweetie, what's up with you?" Austin replied smirking

Chandlers chuckles to himself and shakes his head.

"Cmere here you dork and kiss me" Chandler spoke


Chandler was making some coffee at 2 am in the morning when Austin came up behind him while he was just pouring the sugar into his coffee

"Did you sit in sugar?" Austin asked

"No? Why would you ask me that?" Chandler replied confused

"Because you gotta a pretty sweet ass!" Austin joked smacking Chandlers ass cause Chandler to Yipe and jump spilling the coffee.

"You Lil shit!" Chandler replies turning around and chasing Austin


"Hey baby?" Austin said coming into the living room and sitting next to Chandler

"I swear Austin." Chandler replied

"Did you know there's 25 letters in the alphabet?" Austin commented

"No Austin, there's not. There's 26" Chandler told

"Don't worry, I'll give you the D later" Austin said winking and grabbing Chandlers dick and running off.

"I'm going to hurt you!" Chandler threatened with a red face

"Catch me if you can!" Austin teased


Chandler was driving both him and Austin to Mc Donalds when Chandler stopped at a red light

"If I were a stop light. I turn red every time youd pass by" Austin began

"I swear to god Austin" Chandler sighed

"Just so I could stare at you a Lil longer" Austin replied

"You're lucky I liked that one. Or I'd kick you out of this car" Chandler admitted

Austin smiled and leaned over and kissed Chandlers cheek.


The couple decided to hit the sack. Chandler rumbled through his drawer looking for some boxers. He found some and changed in the room. Then Austin entered with a smirk

"I swear." Chandler threatened

"I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on" Austin teased

"Have fun sleeping on the couch" Chandler replied


Chandler was trying to watch his favorite show. When Austin came in.

"Was your dad a boxer? Cause you're a knockout." Austin asked

"No. But if you don't shut it, I'm gonna knock you out." Chandler answered

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