Here we go

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As we walked the halls of Brazil High people looked at me and whispered.

"Omg I heard she was new"

"Isn't she the girl that slammed Ashley"?

"Damn she's so pretty, why is she hanging with those dorks"

"Damn she bad I think she might be hotter than Ashley." Ok so these people are very superficial and perverts. But when we got to the office I walked in and waited at the front desk until the secretary called my name.

"Miss Rio Lopez". Like I said I'm part Hispanic but me and my brother took my mom's last name because when my dad asked to marry her, my grandparent's only let him marry her if we got her last name. So we did. Which I didn't mind because my dad' last name is Stingalfish.

"I'm right here"

"OK here you are sweet pea"

"Thank you". I said a smile playing on my lips she was nice. I left the office and went over to my friends to show them my times table. I have every class with Belle. I have 1st, 2nd 5th, and 8th, with Tia and 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th with Tinka. We were all so happy we didn't notice Ryan and my Brother and their friends come this way.

"UMMMM, four hot girls jumping up and down I think I could get used to this" Ryan said with lust in his eyes and then SMACK! My brother smacked his head. And he shook his like he was saying no.

"Go away Ryan" He just ignored me and took my timetable.

"Hey guess what we have 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th period together. My brother took my time table compared it to his and said,

"We have 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th, together.'' Then he gave my timetable back, and winked. When he left my friends surrounded me and s Tia said

"How the hell do you know the two hottest gods in school?" She said with dreamy eyes

"EWWWWWW, Tyler is my brother and Ryan is his best friend do I've know them for years."

"Man I wish I was you go got the two hottest guy in guy around you 24, 7. Damn."Tinka said with dreamy eyes. I looked her in disgust. How can anyone ever like my brother or Ryan? I must admit that Ryan does have a nice toned body but it would be wired if my friends started to date them...

"Oh yell nawww. None of yall are gonna be dating either of them because if they break your hearts all imma do is laugh then kill them." I said angrily.

"Ok we promise" They all said together at once. But I could see that Tia had this look of anger. Mixed up with confusion and then under stance and off we took to 1st period.

***************************************RYAN'S POV****************************************

Dam she looked hot today even better than ever and when she was jumping up and down.... listen to yourself Ryan this girls got you whipped. Well I've been whipped ever since I meet her when were 3 and 4 years old. Tyler was going on about something but I was too busy thinking about Rio. That's such a beautiful name for such a hot girl.

"Ryan is you even listening to me?" Oh shit, hell no wasn't I listening to him, I was too bust thinking about Rio and he hates when I don't listen to him just to think about his sister.

"Umm yea man why wouldn't I be." he gave me a look too see if I was lying and it was starting to freak me out.

"Ard but like I was saying, I don't want any of yall messing with my sister like that, I know she's hot and all but I don't want yall messing with her like that and..."

"Yea, yea we know all about the dam rules but can we please talk about something else" James, who was on the football team like us.

"I know what we can talk about "said I familiar voice" you can talk about me and how hot I am" Out of nowhere Ashley pops out with her to followers Mia and Nia. But now I can see why Tia didn't want anyone to know that there sisters because they followed her just about everywhere and can never stop dick eating. Or in the case pussy eating or something but whatever they still annoying. Ever since the hook up we had 2 years ago she would leave me alone I mean it's not that I can blame her I am sexy as hell. But she was still annoying.

"What do you want Ashley" I asked in boredly.

"You "she purred like a cat which I thought was disgusting.

"Ashley I don't want you so leave me the fuck alone."


"Don't you DARE touch me sister? Not only will I get my niece to bet you down but Rio will but you in the hospital in a coma before you can even say what the fuck" An upset Ashley and her bimbo minions stalked away but not before Nia telling me to call her. As if those girls carry just as much STD's around as Ashley does and she didn't get them from me. The bell ring saying that we here gonna be late for class so we ran Tyler, and James because they didn't want to be late and me because they sooner that I get this class over with the sooner I get to see Rio. I stopped at my locker and did the combination really fast got my books and headed off to my 1st period class. The late bell ranf as I cursed out loud because I have Mrs.Hobknockerswhic and he's a very lonely old bat because part of his name his hob knocker so that's his nickname and because misses Shaw, who by the way is our youngest most sexy teacher her wouldn't go out with him. If I was her I wouldn't either because the mans like 66 and she 23. Bu

"Mr. Ryan you are late. Detention after school." Dammit. "And another one for cursing in my class now sits down before you earn three." Damn that old bat. I got in and sat in my seat. Which was by Ashley, when she was my fuck toy at the moment? "Hey Baby" she purred in my ear.

"What the fuck do you want Ashley."

"I want you baby always did always will." She said trying to be sexy. Just was I was about to excuse myself away from Ashley. Then Tia comes running in saying" OH MY GOD LOOK OUT THE WINDOW, THERES A GUY ON A MOTORCYCLE AND I THINK HES THE NEW LIT TEACHER". Then she ran out the room.

*********************************Rio's P.O.V. *********************************

The she ran out the classroom. Me being the badasss I am crepped out the door while everyone was distracted. I went to the hallway and sure enough there he was and might I add looking smoking' hot. He had brown hair, was pretty tall and had a nice body that I can see through his shirt. I go so distracted that I didn't hear the bell ring so I ran down the hall to get my back. And I and my ninja skills got there without the teacher even knowing I was missing. SCORE! I got my bag and headed for 2nd period class, which I have with Ryan, Belle and Tia.

"Hey Chicka"

"Wattsupp my Belleeeee" *Cough* "And Tia, can't fore get 'bout my triplet can I".

'Shut up" Tia said with a hard hit.

"Owwwww" I whined in an annoying voice that sounded like something Ashley would say.

"That's what you get "She said then stuck out her tongue. For some reason the song my paramore that's what you get started playing in my head.

"Bitch' I muttered as I walked into the classroom and you'll never believe who I saw......


hahahahaha cliff hanger.

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