(1) the ceo of droids

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My roommate, Charles, is moving out. Finally, I could get some well-deserved peace and quiet. I stumble out of my bedroom and walk to the living room to see boxes piled on top of each other. I smile slightly. Before I can call out Mr. Idiot™'s name, I hear a vibration from my side pocket. Someone's calling me. I grab the phone from my pocket and look at the Caller ID. Oh, it's him!

Smiling, I answer the call.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Long time no see!" I smile brightly and say, "Hey, Axel!"

Axel Finne is my older brother. He is the CEO of the new search engine Droid company. Pretty impressive, right?

He continues, "Since I've noticed you're into technology, wanna pick out a bot? I'll let you have it for freeeeeee." He emphasises the word 'free' playfully. I gasp before stuttering, "S-Sure! That sounds awesome! I've been getting pretty lonely, anyways." He chuckles, "Don't you have that roommate?" Tisking, I say, "Yeah, but he's an asshole. The only time we ever talk is when he's screaming for me to shut up." We both awkwardly laugh at this.

"So, can I pick one up today?"

"Yup! I'll tell the front desk that you're a special guest."

"Thank you so much bro! I'll be there in 15!" We hang up, and I squeal out, excited. My joyfulness suddenly halts when I see Stupid McFuckYouFace™ standing in the hallway.

"Would you shut up? Why are you even screaming?"

"I'm getting a Google Droid." I say innocently.

I can hear him laughing, followed by more boxes shuffling.

"Why are you getting a piece of shit like that? That's the stuff that's gonna plant ground on war!"

I tisk.

"If you say so," I say as I grab my keys and walk out the front door.

I get in my car, the excitement pulsing through my veins again.


I stand in awe at the massive building. It's at least 40 stories high. I nervously walk in to be greeted by a lady at the front desk.

"Hello! I have an appointment with Axel Finne, is he here right now?" I say happily. Before she can say a word, Axel walks up to me with a smile on his face. "I sure am!" He gestures for me to follow him. We take a ride on the elevator to floor 28. I am greeted by two newly-made robots. "Hi! My name is Andy-"

"I'm Steve." I wave at the two robots before they stride away. "Yeah, they're shy. Still buggy." I nod before he leads me to a machine with a screen. While pointing to the screen, he says,

"Go ahead and pick out the one you would like! Each comes with a different personality and search engine." I nod again before he leaves, probably to do work stuff. I glance at the screen and consider the options.

Jack - Ask

Daniel - Bing

Bob - DuckDuckGo

Charles - Entireweb

Mark - Google

Marzia - Lycos

Wade - Metacrawler

Felix - Yahoo

Matt - Yandex

I immediately find Google, as it's one of the few search engines I recognise. I click on it to see the robot on the screen. He's pretty muscular, even though he's a robot. I wasn't expecting him to look human, though. I am a bit relieved by this. It would be more awkward to have a metal robot sitting with me rather than a human-like one. I click the button that says 'Choose' before hearing a loud clanking sound. A metal wall opens, revealing a window for me to look inside a room where all the robots were stored. In the room I see a number of different search engine droids. It takes me a second, but I find Mark. He looks rather anxious, and I soon discover why. I glance at Charles - I already hate him because of his name - the Entireweb search engine. He is making sick remarks toward Mark.

Not on my watch.

"Ha. I bet I'm the one who's being picked, idiot. No one would ever want you after what you did to your last owner." It takes me all of my strength not to punch the window. From the looks of it, they can't see me from the other side. Mark stays silent, obviously agitated.

"You're going to break down in tears again. Nobody would ever want to have you as their robot! You're too emotional!" The door finally opens for me to retrieve him. I walk through the door, glaring at Charles. I test him.

"Wanna guess who I'm picking up?" he flashes a devilish smile before returning to his innocent state.

"Is it me?" He says, almost like a child. I smile brightly at him, making him think he's right. As he goes to stand up, I smirk at him. "Nope!" I yell in his face before turning to Mark. I hold up my hand for him to shake. "I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you!" I can see the look of shock on his face. He smiles brightly before standing up and shaking my hand. "Hello, (Y/N)! You're my new owner, correct?" I nod at him, making his smile bigger. Sticking my tongue out at Charles, Mark and I walk out of the room. We are greeted by Axel. He seems surprised. He pulls me aside from Mark to talk to me.

"You picked him?" He says, worriedly. I nod, confused. "Well, uhh... He can be a bit of an asshole. That's the last model of his kind, and he's a bit glitchy. He has more personality than the other bots; it's easier for him to understand slang and such. He's also really emotional," he pauses. I notice his breathing hitch a bit; he's hiding something. "He's the most human bot we have ever created. It's dangerous for you to choose him." I stand straight, making it clear I was not going to change my mind. He sighs before nodding. "Be careful," he whispers before pulling me back to Mark. I smile at him. He smiles back, but it seems rather forced. Axel leads us back to the first floor, where we depart.

"Cya, Axel!" I wave at him.

"Later, kid!" He calls back.

So, the journey starts.

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