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We never made love. Angela was to over whelmed by the teasing I gave her. She fell asleep in my arms as I listened to the rain. She was so beautiful. I was my old self when I was with her. I smiled and kissed her for head then fell asleep with her.


I closed my eyes for a second then woke up staring at the time on the clock.
1:30 a.m.
My body shot straight up as Reaper's eyes opened.

"What's wrong?"

"Genji I have to save him..."

I said letting go of Gabriel's arms and getting my stuff.

"Don't go."

He said as I was putting my armor back on.

"Don't stop me Gabriel. I'm going."

I said as I put my wings back in and placed my gun in my thigh holder. I looked at him and he looked at me. He placed his attention to the rain outside and I then left.


I heard nothing but the rain. I woke up and saw Angela was gone. I looked at my nightstand.
1:52 a.m.
I got up and placed a hand on my side. I then fell of the cot and yelled.


Then I heard Ana run into the room and saw me.


She said helping me up.

"Where did she go?"

She looked at me then went silent. I pushed her aside and grabbed my pulse rifle and visor.

"Jack you can't go."

Ana said worrying.

"I have no choice. Angela means the world to me. Even if I die to save her."
I sat in the darkness until I was called back to Talon. I was on my way when I found something that caught my eye. The solider that took Angela in the first place. I creeped into the shadows and followed him.

He was weak, foolish, and easy prey for me to kill. Now was the time to kill him. I placed one of my guns up to the back of his head as he quickly turned around.

"You're the ghost that stole Angela."

I gave a grin under my mask.

"She doesn't belong with you anyway Boy scout."

"ENOUGH!"  He said swinging at me as I dodged.

I kicked his sided as he fell to the ground of the earth.

"Please, wasting my time."

"Says a fool who hides behind a mask!"

The Boy Scout said with madness. He then stood up and held his gun.

"You're one to talk." I said circling him.

"Come at me Bitch. Last one stands, Angela goes with."

I smirked at his words.


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