Clearing Up!

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I don't know if anyone had trouble with the plot of the story or not, but I wanted to clear some things up!

For the character of Yang Hoseok, I made him be portrayed as Hobi. (J-Hope).

While they have different personalities, I based him off and created Yang.

For Areum, she gets found out for being affiliated with Jihye while she is in her new character after the car crash.

She is not seen again in the chapters because she is found guilty and sent to jail for knowing information about Jihye and being affiliated with the gang deals.

Sol, dies in the same car crash that kills Jihye's adopted father, Jaehyun.

She never found out that Jihye was her twin sister because Jihye was hidden from her when she was younger. Meaning, that she never saw her.

So when Jihye saw her during school, she had to act like they did not know each other when clearly, Jihye knew who she was.

With Jihye's adopted mom Jisoo, she goes to the mental hospital after she is told that her husband and adopted daughter were killed in the car crash.

She goes insane after hearing the news and still to this day does not know that Jihye is still alive.

A big one, Taehyung never did have feelings for Jihye. He had small feelings for her but were soon gone when she friend zoned him earlier in the chapters.

Instead, he started treating her like a younger sister who he cared for.

Kisum does not carry out Jihye's orders when she tells her to kill her own boyfriend. She could have gotten in big trouble for not following through with an order but Jihye spared her.

Jihye felt some empathy for her so she did not press her about it. Later on after she finishes the game, she slowly gets used to Jimin and accepts his apology.

Not mentioned in the fanfic, but after Jihye returns back to school, she officially changes her name to Hyein and Chaeyeon apologizes to her in person for the accusations and they become friends.

Hyein realizes that Chaeyeon is not at all bad and sees the she is just misunderstood.

I hope that this cleared up some confusion caused from the fanfiction and I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read my book. I really appreciate it and love you all so much for your support that this book has gotten.

I'm very grateful for that and hope to continue to write more books for you all to enjoy!!

~Author Chae

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