Do you really know what's best?!

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I constantly hear, "It's what's best for you" and, "You'll thank me eventually." They tell me they're just doing it to protect me. How can they look at me, with tear stained cheeks and red, puffy eyes that they're protecting me. "Do I look protected?" "Does it honestly look like you're protecting me?" Of course they can't answer back. How could they? They know I'm right, they know I'm broken. They know they caused it. When you say something enough times, you eventually start to believe it's true. They told themselves so many times that they were protecting me, that their lie became their reality. I'm locked inside this prison that they label as "my protection." Their blind eyes see it as a safe haven, but they aren't the ones being held there. I've been locked there long enough to know that it's my own, personal HELL. It's a place that strips you of any happiness, of any feelings, of any emotions. I've been trying to escape, trying to break free. He's trying to help me.

No! They're coming! Run!

...and anyone who tries
to help you, gets locked there as well.

*** I wrote this about 2 months ago, but decided to put it on here. Enjoy. ***

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