Puppet Master

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To my lovelies...             
leola35 Flying_Free123 ilovekiwi
bruhwhatdidyousay leilani_marie3 nightbringsus MuteMadeleine Rose-marie98

She broke our trust. She hurt us deeply. Since the beginning, lies have flowed from her mouth without any of us realizing that none of it was true. She used us. And she couldn't even step up and apologize. We were like dolls that she played with for her own amusement, and we were all just pawns. She brought each of us to tears, tearing us down, trying not to let us build back up. But we did. With the help of each other. We hugged and cried. We apologized for our mistakes. We learned to forgive and forget. She can't use us anymore. She will no longer be able to trick us into thinking her games are reality. Guess what? We escaped. We cut the strings she held, the strings that tied us, for her to use us like puppets. She kept us locked up inside a game she created, a game she knew only she could win. But she was wrong. We won. We won her game, and now we're finally free. Now she's locked inside her own game, having no one to toy with. She's no longer the puppet master.

Random thoughtsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora