Chapter 2

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"Okay class since today is the last day...."

The sound of my English teacher Ms Hensworth drowned out as I starting thinking about this afternoon.

After I finally convinced my mum to let me send something to the twins, I decided that today after school that I would go shopping. I haven't decided what yet but it's not going to be big as I don't have much money since my parents don't give me pocket money.

The sound of the bell ringing pulled me out of thoughts. Thank god it's time to go.

I quickly grabbed my bag and walked outside to the bus stop. Yes I'm taking the bus to the shopping mall. I'm only 15 so I don't have my drivers license yet.

After about 15 minutes the bus arrived and I quickly found a seat and shoved my headphones in my ears. The sound of Shawn Mendes drowned out the sniffing and coughing of the other people on the bus.

When the bus finally stopped outside the mall, I got out still unsure about what to buy. I mean it shouldn't be that hard, but for me it is.

I could buy something funny or creepy. Or something meaningful. Or maybe even something relating to New Zealand.

I walked into a few random shops, hoping for them to make me have a light bulb moment. But nope, nothing.

I walked into one last shop losing hope when something caught my eye. They were distance bracelets. I grabbed two and quickly bought them.

When I got home I wrote a letter for them with my Twitter @ and put the bracelets inside the box with a photo of me wearing the bracelets that go with the ones I gave Ethan and Grayson. Ethan's was a black beaded bracelet with one white bead and Grayson's was a white beaded bracelet with one black bed. The two bracelets that I have are the same as the twins.

Once I had finished, I picked up the small box and brought it to the post office across the street from my house

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Once I had finished, I picked up the small box and brought it to the post office across the street from my house. I hope it gets to them in time...

Ethan's POV
"Okay ready... "We're back!" Grayson and I said at the same time.

"And as you guys can see by all of the boxes behind us, we're doing another unboxing video." Grayson said.

"There are so many boxes!" I said laughing. "This time we were able to make two houses!"

"One for me and one for Ethan." Grayson said smiling at the camera.

"Alright let's do this!"

Hours later...

"Omg guys we've been doing this for 6 hours already!" I said while opening a small box.

Inside the box was a note with two bracelets. I read the note an it nearly made me cry.

"You okay bro?" Grayson asked.

I nodded my head and handed him the note. "Read this."

He took the note and started reading it. A few moments later his eyes started tearing up.

The note read:
Hi Ethan and Grayson!
I dunno if you'll actually read this but I just wanna say thank you. My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer last year and it was a really hard time for my whole family. I just want to say thank you for never failing to make happy, to make me laugh and smile. Whenever I felt sad or was having a horrible day, I would watch your videos because I knew that they would make me happy. He had an operation at the end of the year and right now he is cancer free! So thank you for keeping me positive the whole time. I'm so sorry about your dad. Cancer is horrible and no one should have to go through it. I'm so sorry that you have to know what it is like to have a family member with cancer. Just remember that you are not alone. I am here, the fandoms here and your family and friends are here if you need someone to talk to. I got you those bracelets because they have a price of the matching bracelet to show that that person will always be with you even though you're not together. I got both of the same bracelets to let you know that there are always people out there other than family that do support you and are there if you need someone other than family to talk to. I also got them to make me feel like you guys are close and are there for me even though you don't know me. Once again thank you for everything and I hope you come to New Zealand one day because it would mean the world to me to meet you!
-Rachael xx
(not a real account, if it is it's just a coincidence!)
Ps. I understand if you don't wear them :) xx

"There's a photo of her wearing them too." I said taking the photo out of the box. She's really pretty...

"The black one's mine." I said putting it on. Grayson nodded and put on his white one.

"I won't put this in the video." Grayson said. "It's too personal to us and her."

I nodded my head. "Yeah. Good idea. I'll dm her on Twitter after the videos out."

Rachael's POV
It's finally Tuesday! Well Wednesday in New Zealand and I woke up at 8am because of time zones. Ethan and Grayson should feel honoured because it's the holidays for me and I would normally be still asleep.

I'm already half way through the video and sadly haven't seen my gift yet. Oh well.

When the video changed from them opening a box full of tish's with a small box of them at the bottom to a jar of vegemite, I noticed something around their wrists.

"Omg!" I yelled, waking up my older brother Calum.

"What!?" He yelled from his room which was across from mine.

"Doesn't matter!" I yelled back. But it really did matter.

They were both wearing the bracelets. I large smile formed across my face. I am so happy and I really feel like crying but no tears are forming.

Of course I went straight to Twitter to post screen shots saying that those were the bracelets I gave them.

As I sent the tweet, I got a message from someone on Twitter.

No. Fucking. Way.

It was the one and only... Ethan Dolan.

I did say it would get longer didn't I :) please vote and comment it would mean a lot. Also chapters will get written better further along the story as I get better. Xx

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