Day one

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"Porsha, Porsha." A familiar voice called, a bit to loud jolting me back as if its some kind of electric shock. Shaking my shoulder impatiently. Turning my head in the direction of the noise, peeking through one eye to see who it was.

"Todays the big day," she announced. Finally realizing it's my mum standing at the foot of my bed, i turn back and groan into my pillow; using my hand to raise the sheets over my head.

"I'll give you ten minutes to shower," she said "and get your suitcases downstairs." As she walked out of my room. i snuggled up into a ball and resumed to my sleepy manor to be interrupted by her voice. Again.

"Now!" she yelled from across the hall.

I pulled the sheets off my bare body,within seconds my legs were enclosed with goosebumps. slowly making my way towards the window, drawing apart the curtains to be greeted by the sunlight beaming into my room, my initial reaction was to rub my eyes with my hands then return back to taking in the scenery.

I'm not your average teenage girl, freaky geek girl at the bottom of the popularity poll, no. Good girl with a rebel exterior, no. Porsha stone, captain of the cheerleading squad, A+ student, with an internship at Madam Gusto's interview magazine. Massive malibu beach house, killer body; sexy heartthrob boyfriend. Present.

Well that was my life until the day my mum and dad decided to finalize their divorce agreement that meant having to put our house up for sale and me having to move in with my aunt Beth, at lest until my mum figures out the whole no house, no money sistuation.

I rushed down the hallway then down the staircase, dragging and pulling along all 12 bags.

"Are you sure you packed everything?" She asked. Whipping down the already polished kitchen island with her Chanel scaf, She has a tendency of cleaning when nervous or worried.

"Yes mum," I smiled "theres no need to worry i'll be fine. You raised a fighter and i'll be back soon and we may dedicate a whole day to shop at macys." she flashes me a warm smile before squeezing me in one of her famous bear-hugs.


Startled by the alarming car horn, my mum was too as she jumped though the hug. i strolled to the window to see a smartly dressed man outside standing in front of his car not removing he's gaze on his phone.

"Dads here," i stated. As I reach for my bags, I look over to my mum as tears welled up in her eyes. I walked up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"You're sure you've got everything," she asked "your underwear,you sure you have your underwear because if you don-" I cut her off. Typical mother behaviour.

"Yes,yes its all in one bag, i've got to go now." I note "I love you!" i hug her once more and begin to walk towards the door.

"Dont forget to call!" she shouts.

I raise my hand in the air as i pick up the rest of my bags and head out the door "Will do!"

As i approach the car my dad greets me with a warm smile, hes eyes averted to the many bags i was holding and heads straight to assist me.

"How much stuff do you need." he asked. I give him the 'really dad, do you want me to explain' look and he catches on and raises his hands up in defence "Oh, don't worry.forget i asked" I laugh at him as he puts the suitcases in the car boot.


We've been driving for over an hour now, i turn to look out the window and feel myself drifting off but slowly shake it off at the time my eyes spot a change of sceanery; rolling hills of vast green grass, blue skies abouned by wondrous white cloudes, i lift my head up and look straight ahead and see a twisting thicket road bound by soil leading to a small old fashioned barn house beside what looks like a animal farm attached to it. Please don't tell me this is where i'm staying?

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