Chapter 7

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<<Scarlett's p.o.v>>

I cannot believe I just saw Jacob.

I cannot believe Zayn just ate him.

I cannot believe he is dead.

I cannot believe I just saw my only

brother got eaten alive.

I cannot believe this.




More and more tears trickled down my cheeks while Niall holds me in his arms whispering soothing things in my hair. "Shh, baby, I'm here, stop crying" He whispers. I hold onto him for my dear life. "N-Niall, H-He k-kill-killed m-m-my b-b-brother!" I say in between sobs. "Shh, don't talk baby"

I put my face back in his chest and I just hide.

Hide from Zayn.

Hide from my brother's death.

Hide from the treacherous world that I am living on.

Even if this hiding place only lasts for seconds, just let me be, let me hide.

Why couldn't I just have died that night when that Killer was catching me? Why couldn't I have just died?

Oh right, Niall saved me. This is his fault then!

I let go of him and jerk away from his grasp. "Baby? come here." He says.

I shake my head furiously, tears still rushing down my cheeks. "Why, Niall!" I yell. "What?" He says. "Why didn't you just kill me!" I said, wiping away my tears but it is no use because more and more come out. "I will never kill you!" He yells at me. "You should have! And if you won't kill me then I'll...I'll ask Zayn to!" I yell. "Zayn isn't gonna do anything!" Niall yells. More and more tears run down my cheeks.

"I..I just want to die, Niall, Please, just let me die." I say. "Just..Just let me die" I whisper.

"NO!" Niall's voice booms.

I stumble over and my knees are bleeding, damn sensitive skin.

Niall's eyes turn red and he begins walking towards me.

His fangs and his canines begin to show in his teeth.

Zayn runs towards me and I close my eyes, waiting for him to kill me.

To my surprise, his arms wrap around me. I look up to meet Zayn looking down at me with a sincere smile.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know..that he was your brother, why didn't you tell me?" He asks softly "I was just..I felt..paralyzed almost." I say. Zayn sighs and nods. "I'm so sorry.." He whispers. "It was only my second time seeing him anyway." I shrug and sniff.

"What do you mean?" He asks, his head tilting to one side.

I liked Zayn now. I'm kind of growing on him. I guess he got over the fact that I am human. "Well..I lived with my dad, until a...a vampire took him..then I had to stay with my mom. My brother lived with my mom so yeah, but the first day I lived with them, she and my brother abandoned me because I was too much work because with my sensitive skin." I am breathless by the time I finish.

There is silence for a moment, then Zayn speaks. "How old were you?"

"Seven" I answer.

His eyebrows furrow. "Fuck." He breathes. "That's messed up." He says.

I shrug. "I've been trying to live my life without getting eaten, thankfully, Ashton helped me." I say.

"How?" Zayn asks, not how Niall asks.

When Niall even hears about Ashton and I, he'll be all snappy and rude. I like Zayn. He asks out of curiosity, not out of jealousy..I think that's what it is..

"When I was about 8, I was really thin and I had bruises and cuts all over me.

I was in the forest, trying to find food.

A vampire began chasing me and I was really weak, not very fast either. Ashton and his pack saved me, thank god, and they treated me like their own. Years later, when I was about in highschool, well not really, they just kind of trained me. Ashton and I dated. I broke up with him because I got kinda freaked out when he always wolfed out when some guy flirted with me so I broke up with him. When i broke up with him, I had nothing left because i depended on Ashton and his pack. Crappy life, I know." I say.

Zayn's mouth is left agape and I shrug.

"Whats done is done." I say.

He nods. "I agree."

I look around for Niall but he is no where to be seen. I look at Zayn with a worried expression and he shares the same one.

"Where do you think he went?" I ask.

He stays silent for a second, then it's like something struck him because his eyebrows furrowed and he mumbled,



Zayn has been running and running.

"Are we almost there? Wait, I don't even know where we're going." I say, frustrated because Zayn doesn't know the answer either.

"We're going to the city." He says.


"I know." He interrupts.

He looks down at me with worried eyes.

Realization hits me. Niall is there.

"We need help though." Zayn says.

"From Ashton?" I ask.

"No. Ashton is probably way to far away for me to capture his scent, but my dad taught me how to track down vampires." He says. I nod and he begins running again.

He comes to a halt and he puts me down. He kneels down and touches the ground. He stands up and begins sniffing the air.

"They've been here." Zayn tells me.

"Who?" I ask.

"Harry and his group." He says.

"They have sensitive hearing, dont they?" I ask.

Zayn nods. "You can scream his name and he'll come, hopefully."

Scream his name, huh.

He's hot, so that won't he a problem.

No Scarlett, snap out of it!

I shake those perverted thoughts out of my head and I call out for Harry.

"HARRY!" I scream.


"HARRY!" I scream again.

I am greeted by a gust of cool air against my face.

"You called?" A familiar husky voice says.

I turn around and Harry is looking at me with a smile.

"Hi.." I say awkwardly.

"Do you need anything?" He asks sweetly.

"Um, I was, you could help Zayn and I with something?" I say nervously.

Not the 'scared nervous'.

More like the 'nervous nervous', if that makes sense.

He looks at Zayn and raises an eyebrow. "Killer?" Harry asks.

Zayn nods and Harry smiles.

"Okay, I'll help you."

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