Chapter 19

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[A/N]: So this chapter is gonna be a little dissapointing for you guys because.. WELL YOU HAVE TO FIND OUT!

<<Niall's p.o.v>>

She sinks into my arms, like her body just gives into me. "Princess, are you okay?" I whisper. Her eyes shut and she shakes her head. "Everything hurts." I frown down at her. She looks so drained. Her lips are pale, she is way thinner than ever, and she just looks so.. dead. She isn't dead, but she sure does look like it. Only God knows when the last time she ate. "Ashton, mind finding her some food?" I ask. His look is stern and he motions to our surroundings. "Winter is approaching, and there isn't a lot of food left on the tree's." He explains the obvious. I roll my eyes, this boy is really eating out my patience. "Go find as much as you can then." I scowl, shooing him off. Calum motions for us to come back to his pack so we do.

She has fallen asleep, good. Louis is digging a whole to put Liam in. Why was she so mournful when he died? It wasn't her fault and she has to know that.

A few minutes later Ashton comes back with nothing but a carrot. "What the fuck is that?" I grimace. All I asked him was to look for food for her, nothing more. "It's food!" He yells, throwing it at me. Instead, it hits Scarlett and she groans. "WILL YOU TWO STOP IT!" She wails, holding her head in her small hands. Everyone begins chattering and she scurries to the tree that is farthest from the group, and puts her hands to her ears. 

I begin walking towards her, but Louis puts a hand on my shoulder. "No mate, I think she needs some space from you." He says. I turn to him angrily but I hate to agree with him, she does need space, but not from me. I just found out she is alive, I'm not letting her out of my sight again.

I make my way towards her again with a pissed expression.  I swear if anyone stops me..

"LIGHTNING!" Calum howls.

Everyone scatters away from the trees and so does Scarlett. She trips and falls near another tree. Before I can reach her, Ashton beats me to it. As lightning strikes the tree, Ashton basically tackles her. Ashton- weighing more than me and everything- undoubtedly hurt her. He fucking hurt girl. My fucking girl.

The lightning still hit both of them, but mostly Ashton.

"Bloody hell!" I howl, running towards both of them.

Ashton lets go of her and her whole left arm is like.. burned. I carry her in my arms and she doesn't resist. My lips brush against her forehead slightly before she turns away harshly. 


"We have to stay here for the night. I know it's small, but it's the best we can do" Calum sighed afterwards, and ran a hand through his hair. While he was being a good leader, Ashton sulked in the corner.

"Scarlett" I mumble. She is still turned away from me and I don't know if she is awake or not.

She whimpers and tries to turn away even more, but she can't. "Scarlett stop" She jumps out of my arms and falls on the ground. By now, everyone is staring. She limps to Louis and takes a seat beside him. They both look so tired and.. gone. Did I do this? Louis lets her rest her head on his lap. I am about to come over there and tell him who she belongs with, but Calum stops me. What is with werewolves, like fuck.

"I think she needs space.. from you" He says. I growl lowly and find my own cold spot in the back of the cave. Daniel sits beside me, he is awfully quiet and I actually don't mind, I need the quiet.

"She's hurt," He whispers. It's barely even a whisper, maybe more like a hushed whisper or something. "I'll heal her then" I begin standing up, but he shakes his head rapidly. "I think she's hurt inside." He says a bit louder this time. A harsh scoff exits my mouth before I can stop it. His fur begins spreading along his body and his eyes narrow at me. "Fine, let her fucking die then" He hisses, joining his fellow werewolves in the corner. What the hell does he mean 'let her fucking die then'  "What the hell do you mean?" I yell, grabbing him from his ripped shirt. He shoves me back and I stumble over from the strong impact. Ashton stands up and pulls us away from each other. "Niall, you are not welcome to this group anymore, I vanish you"

Calum steps in, his brows furrowed. "Wait a seco-" Ashton interrupts him. "Do you want to be vanished as well?" His voice is surprisingly calm. I loathe that. I'd rather be yelled at then be talked to in a calm manner, it drives me crazy. Calum shakes his head and steps back. Ashton's eyes flicker to Scarlett for a moment before landing right back on me, a heavy gaze directing my way. "Leave."

I shake my head and I keep my eyes fixed on him. "I said, leave!" He growls lowly. some of the werewolves team up behind him and I find myself outnumbered. No wait; I have Louis and Scarlett. When Ashton see's me looking at Louis and Scarlett, he narrows his eyes at me, as if warning me not to wake them up. As I open my mouth to yell, he shoves me out of the cave and I stumble into the muddy ground. Two werewolves that were once with me are now against me. "Fucking bastard!" I holler. Before I can say anything else, Ashton comes out and has a gun pointing directly at me.

"Don't you fucking pull that trigger" I snarl. Ashton laughs without humour. "Why are you doing this?" I say, my voice almost inaudible. He spits at the ground, a scowl on his face.

"Are you asking me why? Do you wanna know why? huh? Because she fucking loves you! She fucking loves you when she should love me! I gave her everything! I gave her love, i gave her shelter, i gave her food, and you come outta nowhere and you take her! you fucking take her and that's not fair. It's not fucking fair because she belongs to me" His eyes are watery and I almost laugh at how much of an idiot he really is. Does he honestly think Scarlett 'belongs' to him? Hell no, she's mine.

He once again points the gun to me. Directly at my face. "Leave or i'll shoot" He says. I glance into the cave and there she is- my princess sleeping peacefully beside Louis.

"What are you going to tell her when she doesn't see me in the morning?" I challenge. He smirks and shrugs lightly. And by the huge smirk that he musters, I know he has really thought this through. Unlike me though,

I am fucking damned.

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