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Dedicating this to


because u iz

special :'>

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"Forever and Always"

I come to always flashback

on how you said 

"Forever and Always".

Remember that day?

How you pressed your lips

against mine and rested

your forehead on mine

as you pulled back,

and how softly you

replied to me saying,

"Love me?". .

Remember that?

We were quite a cheesy couple

a lot of times but,

we liked how it was.

We liked how everything was

with both of us.

Because we thought,

how perfect it is,

how perfect we were,

for each other.

We weren't a perfect couple,


but we made it as perfect

as we thought it was.

But then one night,

everything came shattering down,

I don't know if it was my fault

or yours but,

I thought,

I thought you said,

we'd show them all that,,

we'd make it.

I thought we'd show them

how strong our

relationship was and no,

it didn't last years

but who said

how much time a relationship lasts


I thought we made a vow.

It's cheesy but,

I thought we'd grow

old together and

have our own kids,

grandchildren even.

I thought we promised each other

that this relationship we had

would be the longest

there would ever be.

But alas,

they are just my thoughts,

aren't they?

I really thought that


would be, 

Forever and Always. . .

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